I love the Pam flashbacks.
I love them for lots of reasons, not least of which is Eric is antique clothes, licking blood off his fingers. I am shallow.
I'm somewhat interested in the Authority stuff, think the vampire religion is kinda silly, and really dislike the style of ankh jewelry the Authority vamps wear. But vampire Reverend Newlin is going to keep me amused for ages.
Eric is antique clothes, licking blood off his fingers.
That was very nice indeed.
Pete laughed and wanted to know if the writers were directly pandering to me.
I would like to go on record as in favor of more Jilli pandering.
Drunk Sookie is kind of fun! I like her made up lyrics. I'm not really mad at any of the plotlines right now, but there sure are a lot of them.
In a bizarrely meta twist, I found second episode of The Newsroom, which was about the second episode of the show kind of sucking, to kind of suck.
Almost to the point of wondering if Sorkin was deliberately being
meta (I did like the ending though).
Almost to the point of wondering if Sorkin was deliberately being that meta (I did like the ending though).
The third and fourth episodes would suggest not.
This show is now my personal current record-holder for Most Addictive Trainwreck, beating previous champions Smash and Studio 60.
Hmmm, perhaps I should try it. (I still have the first episode on Tivo but don't know if I recorded the second.)
Drunk Sookie is fun.
I continue to enjoy the Eric/Pam stories. Want more past Eric with lots of Jillipandering.
The third and fourth episodes would suggest not.
Heh. I thought that might be too much to expect. I'm still amused by the meta, though.
My roommate (who has never watched any previous Aaron Sorkin, but liked the first episode) had watched the "Sorkin remixed" video with all the similar characters and lines he's used over the years and was a little disappointed by that. It was amusing to me to watch his disappointment grow as we watched the second episode and I called out all the recycled bits, most notably the scene where the young blonde intern/assistant/associate producer did something under protest, which "looks exactly like doing it, except it's under protest," and the use of the fictional muslim name Mohammed al Mohammed al Mohammed bin Bizeer.