The third and fourth episodes would suggest not.
Heh. I thought that might be too much to expect. I'm still amused by the meta, though.
My roommate (who has never watched any previous Aaron Sorkin, but liked the first episode) had watched the "Sorkin remixed" video with all the similar characters and lines he's used over the years and was a little disappointed by that. It was amusing to me to watch his disappointment grow as we watched the second episode and I called out all the recycled bits, most notably the scene where the young blonde intern/assistant/associate producer did something under protest, which "looks exactly like doing it, except it's under protest," and the use of the fictional muslim name Mohammed al Mohammed al Mohammed bin Bizeer.
I'm still amused by the meta, though.
He even recycles his meta-commentary - the second episode of Studio 60 was also a terrible episode about a show having a terrible second episode!
At this rate, his next project will be called Aaron which will be a workplace dramedy about Aaron Sorkin writing a TV series called The Sorkin Show. In the second episode, the second episode of the show-within-a-show is reviewed badly, and then everyone watches Synecdoche, NY.
Super duper late for the S2 GoT discussion (cuz I didn't watch it till recently):
Who's the woman Robb was flirting with? Is she a captive?
She's a nurse who seems to be traveling with his army. She's not in the books."
She is sort of in the books...but in the books we don't meet Jeyne Westerling until after her marriage to Robb is a done deal and he introduces her to his mom and the political repercussions start to mount. . Interesting that the TV show decided to essentially make us like her and buy into their marriage by showing us their introduction, courtship, and wedding. And apparently changing her name and the circumstances of their meeting, i'm not recalling what name they were calling her by on screen. I'm also not at all sure why their marriage now more about lurve and less about him doing the "Honorable" thing of marrying a girl he barely knew but slept with. IIRC there were implications in the books that she and/or her mother were deliberately trying to seduce Robb in order to destabilize his support from the Freys and other bannermen who knew he had promised to marry a Frey girl. And they succeeded, helping the Lannisters. I guess the TV show runners needed to simplify the politics just a wee bit and take out that added bit of intrigue? Or perhaps there will be even more intriguing intrigue to come of this unknown girl with the unknown family?
In a bizarrely meta twist, I found second episode of The Newsroom, which was about the second episode of the show kind of sucking, to kind of suck.
Really glad I'm not alone there.
Reviews for the Iron Throne: [link] (like, the actual Iron Throne that HBO is selling for $30K).
GoT casting speculation has me giddy! There is a rumor that
Diana Rigg
will be on!!!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!! [link]
I noticed that
Jojen Reed
is being played by the kid from "Family of Blood" and
Love Actually.
(The actress playing
Meera Reed
also looked familiar - but not sure from where.)
EW Gallery with new season 3 cast including some not in the video above.
Sookie and Dumbface are full blooded siblings? Is he as fairy as she is, and is she just extra sparkly special because she's our heroine?
And the point at which she's petulant enough to throw a fairy glitterball at someone who says something she doesn't want to hear--she's supposed to still be sympathetic to the viewer?