I actually did not know what I was seeing at the end of the ep
There's been at least a couple of episodes this season that ended with a shocking image that was not really clear what we were seeing. I'm not crazy about that, but I guess it's a pretty effective tune-in-next-week.
I'm all "Dragons, yay!" myself, I don't think worrying about their well-being requires a lot of justification. They are shiny and wee and breath fire!
LeN, you're cracking me up.
They are so cute when they are little.
Oh, I just remembered that Tyrion's "call it tactics rather than strategy" line made me very happy.
Oh, I just remembered that Tyrion's "call it tactics rather than strategy" line made me very happy.
That made me happy because even as his knee-jerk reaction was to correct Cersei's vocabulary, you could also see just how happy it made him to be having the conversation with her at all. Finally, a shared interest! Someone in my family is talking to me like a human being!
The awkwardness between the two of them at the end of that conversation was brilliant. I might be projecting, but I'd like to think one of the things running through Tyrion's head was "Is this hug time? Do I really want to hug my sister who's fucking my brother?"
I really liked this last episode, more than most. It's not that it was ooh! exciting! or anything, but the shocks shocked me, and I felt more emotionally connected to the characters than just about any other episode.
Ah, fuck, it was exciting. The re-appeary guy who had the 13 killed freaks me the fuck out.
So I was a bit surprised to see a number of people on IO9 complain that it was a boring go-nowhere episode. But maybe they've been "into" all the eps that I found only academically interesting.
Now I really want to watch the HBO Go version with the interactive whatevers instead of cleaning the kitchen, etc. Maybe for a lunch break.
So many reasons not to hug Cersei, but that's a big one, yeah. That was a standout moment in an episode I really enjoyed a lot.
Ned's Head cake pops: a baker's reaction to Game of Thrones, season 1.