The awkwardness between the two of them at the end of that conversation was brilliant. I might be projecting, but I'd like to think one of the things running through Tyrion's head was "Is this hug time? Do I really want to hug my sister who's fucking my brother?"
I really liked this last episode, more than most. It's not that it was ooh! exciting! or anything, but the shocks shocked me, and I felt more emotionally connected to the characters than just about any other episode.
Ah, fuck, it was exciting. The re-appeary guy who had the 13 killed freaks me the fuck out.
So I was a bit surprised to see a number of people on IO9 complain that it was a boring go-nowhere episode. But maybe they've been "into" all the eps that I found only academically interesting.
Now I really want to watch the HBO Go version with the interactive whatevers instead of cleaning the kitchen, etc. Maybe for a lunch break.
So many reasons not to hug Cersei, but that's a big one, yeah. That was a standout moment in an episode I really enjoyed a lot.
Ned's Head cake pops: a baker's reaction to Game of Thrones, season 1.
Oh that's just so wonderfully wrong.
I love that they are Red Velvet.
Oh,Californication, how are you both so awful and so hard to give up? Much like Hank Moody, actually.
Well, Duchovny... but at the same time, the show itself is like Henry Miller's twitter feed or's weirdly fascinating.
OMG, this was my very favorite GoT episode yet! Pretty much every scene
was a major ongoing plot development. Particularly the discovery of the horn and the obsidian daggers, which remains, arguably, one of the most pivotal developments in the whole frakkin' series.
Agree with the spoilery stuff.
Fun quote from James Poniewozik's recap/review:
* Game of Thrones is often at its best when it simply pairs up interesting characters—Arya and Tywin, notably—and Jaime and Brienne have the potential to be the show’s next compelling odd couple. Though I have to wonder if he isn’t more dangerous with his mouth ungagged than with his hands untied.
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