>Who's the woman Robb was flirting with? Is she a captive?
She's a nurse who seems to be traveling with his army. She's not in the books.
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>Who's the woman Robb was flirting with? Is she a captive?
She's a nurse who seems to be traveling with his army. She's not in the books.
She's not in the books.
Oh! Weird.
When we first met her she was helping injured Lannister soldiers on the battlefield. I'm really interested to see where they are going with her.
Bookstuff - if there are no REEDS - what does this mean for Rickon going off somewhere with Osha? Do they all go in the wilds? Does Bran go off with Hodor w/o Rickon ?
I think she might be replacing another character, but at this point it's too soon to tell.
Sumi, I hadn't noticed that! Huh.
sumi, I read somewhere that the Reeds will be in next season, so maybe they will all stay together until then? I've been missing them, they're a couple of my favorite characters, but I can understand wanting to keep the sheer number of characters introduced this season down a bit.
Do you think Shae is also from Volantis, or another of the Free Cities? I'm not good with accents, but they sounded kind of similar to me (Shae and whatshername the healer). All these foreign women lurking around the edges of the conflict - coincidence? Conspiracy?
Maybe instead of the Reeds following them out of Winterfell, they'll all go and seek out the Crannogmen instead of heading north.
That would make sense. Bran should know Howland Reed was a great friend of his father's, and Osha would be reluctant to go north, I would think.
Finally watched the ep and can catch up in this thread!
I think I need to reread the Harrenhall chapters in the book because I don't remember most of Arya's storyline, and I can't tell if it's because my memory is swiss cheese or because it's been changed for the show.
Yeah, her storyline has been changed somewhat. I don't really remember well myself. I'm pretty sure some of the changes in her storyline are primarily to give Charles Dance more screen time, which A-FREAKIN'-MEN, ya know? But because we get more Tywin, we lose the uber-creepiness of Harrenhal where misfortune seems to befall all who try to hold it.
But it's Daenerys' storyline that's undergone the heaviest changes so far.
I have to say, I really love the way Benioff and Weiss have handled the changes, starting with the fact that they were so faithful in S1, and went a long way to earn the readers' trust. This season has seen some major departures from Clash of Kings, but each one so far has seemed (to me) to be done in a way that signals to readers that they're going to cover the important stuff, and not stray too far.
And yet for a second there afterward I almost felt some pity for Theon
I keep thinking back to that shot a couple of episodes ago, of Theon burning the letter to Robb. He seemed so small in his tiny pool of slowly dying light, surrounded by such a vast gulf of pitch black, closing in closer and closer to devour him. It was so freakin' perfect.
I mean, boo hoo, his dad doesn't love him. Welcome to the life of everyone in Westeros not fathered by Ned Stark.
INORITE? I mean, raised by the one guy in all of Westeros who ever treated other people decently, and this is how you repay him?
Do you think Shae is also from Volantis, or another of the Free Cities? I'm not good with accents, but they sounded kind of similar to me (Shae and whatshername the healer). All these foreign women lurking around the edges of the conflict - coincidence? Conspiracy?
I believe she is, and it's expressly stated so in the books somewhere, or at least strongly hinted at. And your conspiracy question is a question that has occurred me SEVERAL TIMES during the books, too. Because isn't the woman who gets to be besties with Cersei in Book 4 also from Volantis?
sumi and -t, I've been missing the Reeds a bit too.