That was shocking. The look on Tyrion's face was incredible.
I couldn't even watch Theon during the beheading, although I did cheer at the guy's last words. And yet for a second there afterward I almost felt some pity for Theon -- he got such a raw deal, and no one cares, no one really cares for him (except, arguably, the Starks, which he seems to think isn't good enough) and he's trying so hard to make a mark in the world, and make *someone* see him.
But he's fucking it up every chance he gets. Maybe he should be on Joffrey's team.
he got such a raw deal, and no one cares
But he also had every chance in the world not to be such a monumental shit. I mean, boo hoo, his dad doesn't love him. Welcome to the life of everyone in Westeros not fathered by Ned Stark.
(I *still* cannot stop myself shouting OH FUCK OFF THEON whenever he appears onscreen. Every. Single. Time.)
Anyone else watching Veep, by the way? As a huge fan of The Thick of It and In The Loop, I'm enjoying it immensely.
But he also had every chance in the world not to be such a monumental shit.
That's it -- that's why I said almost! Because as much as his father's rejection has to hurt, the Starks raised him well and would have continued to be loyal and generous to him, if he done the same.
Who's the woman Robb was flirting with? Is she a captive? I missed some of that last week, I guess.
Anyone else watching Veep, by the way?
Yes. It's painfully funny. JLD is really good.
She is a nurse or healer. Or possibly somebody volunteering to be a nurse or healer.
I mean, boo hoo, his dad doesn't love him. Welcome to the life of everyone in Westeros not fathered by Ned Stark.
Oh, god, I can't stop laughing at this. SO TRUE!
>Who's the woman Robb was flirting with? Is she a captive?
She's a nurse who seems to be traveling with his army. She's not in the books.
When we first met her she was helping injured Lannister soldiers on the battlefield. I'm really interested to see where they are going with her.