I can't seem to stop myself shouting OH FUCK OFF THEON whenever he's onscreen. I really just don't like him or his stupid face.
Other book-fans, were you as amused as I was that HBO actually decided on less boobies than in the book for once? (In the book, Qartheen high society ladies wear one breast bared when they dress up. Dany's gift from Xaros is in the Qartheen style and terribly distracting for Jorah.)
The scene where Tyrion finds out everyone blames him for Joffrey was killer. I adore Bronn.
Also, Arya!
i'm sad about Renly. we hardly knew ye, hot would-be King!
totally agree about Theon. he's a worm.
Renly's death shocked me. I liked Renly, but I also really like Margery, so I hope we see more of her.
The Cat and Brienne scene of oaths was surprisingly touching.
I need to watch it again, though. I was half asleep.
Yeah, it was an excellent episode this week.
So many missed chances for poor Westeros! A Renly/Stark alliance could have made this a much shorter series, tho.
Very true.
Are you guys finding Jaquen a little bit disappointing?
I guess in my head the red/white hair was much more distinctive.
Yeah, his hair is not like I pictured, but I like how understated he is in general, so maybe the understated hair goes with that.
Man, I love Brienne a lot. And the dragon cooking his tidbit of meat was fantastic.
Also wee lap dragon!
Daenerys should consider opening that Dragon powered bar and grill.
So many missed chances for poor Westeros!
Isn't this the theme of the whole series? I feel like "If only that guy hadn't been brutally murdered just now, we could have had peace!" pops up about every couple hundred pages or so.
Oh, I really loved Margarey Tyrell's "No. I want to be the Queen" moment.