All of the external stuff - the casino in general, the protests and lobbyist specifically (though Sissy Spacek is great, the storyline is just not necessary), pretty mich everything having to do with the campaign (though it does seem like an in character thing for Bill to do, he is grand gesture all-or-nothing guy), they keep piling on stuff happening to these people when what is really interesting is just the relationships they have without the outside stressors. Anna telling Barb that the baby was conceived before she married Bill, Bill telling Anna that sharing a wife with another man would be unnatural, Nicki saying she loves Bill as if that's a shocking revelation - those are all fascinating moments. Looking at a bigger picture, or whatever they are trying to do with the other stories seems like a mistake to me.
I agree with every single word of this.
I've had In Treatment Season 2 on pre-order with Amazon for MONTHS, and there's still no sign of it coming out any time soon. They better have some good extra on it I tell you what.
erika, my Sebastopol friend recently returned my set of In Treatment Season 1. Want to borrow it? I'd like it back, but can mail to you for summer viewing.
Fine...I've seen the first two discs but that will free up some queue slots.
I missed this, just stumbled across it while looking for the Vince Gilligan Interview. This is an interview with Cloe Sevigny on Fresh Air with Terry Gross. [link]
Thanks...I really appreciate that...I was just trying to do two things at once yesterday.
I'm 10 minute into TiVo delayed premiere of Pacific and there have been already both Caroline Dhavernas *and* William Sadler spotting. Wonderfalls reunion FTW!
I know! It made me very happy.
Erika, I haven't forgotten In Treatment, I'm just lame and haven't been to the post office yet.
I'll be starting to watch Big Love soon. Meanwhile, I stumbled across this while reading things about Antarctica (yay Internet). It's an A/V Club interview with Chloe Sevigny re the last season: [link] and another article about the backlash from the first interview: [link]
I'm printing to read later, so no comments from me. Yet.
Finished with United States of Tara. Post to follow eventually.
I *Love* Tara.
I even have a fragment of a spec script, but the Entourage one has taken longer to perfect than I expected, so it's the same page that it's been for months.
Toni Colette rules.
And somehow John Corbett has been adorable for over fifteen years... still want to jump him, and on this show he rocks as a husband so I could bring him home to Mom, too. Love that!
John Corbett is totally amazing. Didn't I just see him advertised in something else that's starting soon?
I'm approaching half-way through Big Love. The first notable thing is that the opening sequence is new. The last one really summed up the whole philosophy of the celestial marriage: showed the main four characters searching for each other through veils, then finding each other, joining hands,and then you see them sitting at a dinner table on Planet Bill and Wives.
This year, it shows each character falling through black space separately. (How did they get those shots? Wires, fans, floaty fabric, and a black background? They look like they are up in the Vomit Comet, weightless, but that can't possibly be true.) Hands are reaching out blindly, and none of them ever connect. The music is different too, the lyrics are "home, is this my home?" reflecting a change from the certainty of the prior years.