John Corbett is totally amazing. Didn't I just see him advertised in something else that's starting soon?
I'm approaching half-way through Big Love. The first notable thing is that the opening sequence is new. The last one really summed up the whole philosophy of the celestial marriage: showed the main four characters searching for each other through veils, then finding each other, joining hands,and then you see them sitting at a dinner table on Planet Bill and Wives.
This year, it shows each character falling through black space separately. (How did they get those shots? Wires, fans, floaty fabric, and a black background? They look like they are up in the Vomit Comet, weightless, but that can't possibly be true.) Hands are reaching out blindly, and none of them ever connect. The music is different too, the lyrics are "home, is this my home?" reflecting a change from the certainty of the prior years.
If you are at the halfway point, you haven't quite seen the show go off the rails yet.
it is coming.
It's already overloaded with storylines IMHO. In the first couple of eps, okay, not only are they opening the casino and attendant hysteria but then two of the characters have to hit someone with their car in the reservation? and THEN that person has to have a serious problem? I yi yi already.
I am really bothered by the replacement of Teeny and just went Google hunting to find out why. The prior actress grew too tall, too mature to play that age. Okay, I can live with that, although I miss Jolean Wejbe AND thought that the second shot we have of the new Teeny bordered on kiddy porn.
Interview, then a bunch of links for more stuff, interview with the showrunners in LA Times from Jan. 2010. I'm skimming it for the info I want and la-la-la-ing over other stuff: [link]
R.I.P. David Mills, writer for The Wire and Treme
As reported by, television writer David Mills—a college friend and later frequent collaborator with David Simon on Homicide: Life On The Streets, The Corner, and The Wire—has died of a brain aneurysm. His death comes just 11 days before the première of Treme, where he had once again been a key member of Simon’s writing staff.
Aw, man he was a genius.
And he won't ever drink fruit punch ever again.ETA: Bop Gun was in my Top Five H:LOTS, even if it did convince Robin Williams he could be a serious actor and therefore lay much plague upon the also contained some great Howard moments so I think it rocks, just for being so non-gendered in its depiction of those issues. And it was very human in its refusal to pick and name a bad guy, even though Vaughn did a terrible thing.
Oh, no. How shocking and sad!
Mo Ryan from the Trib has a piece on Mills in The Watcher that features links to other tributes to him.
Can't read the Simon piece right now, because when he gets elegiac(sp?) he can make me cry like a little girl, and we're not talking Broadcast News/pollution Indian single tears, either.
It's really ugly.
Maybe after five?ETA: Too late. Sniff. But I'm still coherent because Simon was source, not commentator.
ETA2: This is really fucking stupid, but I had *no idea* Mills was black. I guess I never saw him, and his name being David instead of, say, Antoine or Terence, made me think "Oh, Jewish ex-journalist"(Not that there's anything wrong with that...he would have matched the other guys in the Pantheon of Daves if he were.)
Way to be Part of the Problem, Erika. D'oh.