The new season of Big Love is already pretty gripping.
::jealous:: I'm going to have to try to find a way to see what's aired about half-way through. I won't be able to wait, for sure.
OMG, erika, have you seen Big Love? Even though I am often guilty of having the last thing I watched and liked be "my favorite show," Big Love might actually really be my favorite show. Sooooo good. I might be able to hook you up if you are interested.
I watched Season 1. I liked it fine, but I haven't missed it.
TRue Blood season 2 dvds and bluray coming out most likely on May 25th. (I dislike the cover art, what do you think?)
it's too dark...they're attractive; we should see faces.
Need to share this with erika, Corwood and all the other WireHeads.
I'm doing work for my friend who is a criminal defense attorney, organizing her media. So it's been cool to watch actual detective interviews and hear 911 calls and dispatches.
But today I got to work on a Federal Case and guess what? Acutal motherfuckin' wire taps!
Which are, of course, absolutely dull and tedious for the most part.
But still! Wire taps!
Yeah, I think they make that clear on the show, too, Hec. That you don't get the important stuff for a long time.
Oh, I've been waiting for Season 2 of True Blood; we don't have HBO. I think I will invest in a Season Three itunes pas this summer, though.
I have been watching Spartacus. It's way too bloody, this last episode especially, but for the most part it's been fun. Some of the acting is quite good. Lucy Lawless and John Hannah have both been treats. Overall, it's better than it really has any right to be. And very pretty people. Oh, yes. Very pretty.
I tried two episodes and I felt that about 50% of the time I was watching gay porn. It was just too much for me.
Must check out Spartacus...