See, I didn't want to take it there because it makes me feel a little bit icky that Mary Ann would have been looking for another little brown person to complete her set. Yuck.
I don't think that it was necessarily race that made Mary Ann choose her. She was angry, which is one of Mary Ann's powers. Also, she's pretty much the only attractive single woman that we've seen on the show.
I can pinpoint the moment when Eric had me--it was the hair foils. But damn, Godric is just so awesome!
I'm finally caught up with the episodes.
I can pinpoint the moment when Eric had me--it was the hair foils.
Is there blood in my hair? KILLLED me.
Is there blood in my hair? KILLLED me.
Followed immediately by the nearly thrown away, "Pam's gonna kill me."
Running Fangtasia, I'm assuming. Pushing Lafayette around, etc.
Plus, the stuff going on Dallas does not require comic relief, so her talents are held in reserve for Eric's return.
Plus, the stuff going on Dallas does not require comic relief, so her talents are held in reserve for Eric's return.
Eric really has mastered positive reinforcement with her: "You're right. Those were great pumps."
All I know is that Pam's humans would never have been in cahoots with the FOS. You know she runs a tight ship.
An lj friend sent me this Piven article...he does talk about Ari in it, but there are no spoilers.
I just thought, since there are other Piverts here, I'd share the love(or, really, cautious like, since that seems to be what the reporter has. I would say that someone should send me, but I'd be kidding myself that the interview would sound like anything but Chris Farley the fanboy "Remember Gross Pointe Blank That was *awesome*") as much as I like to think I'm a good interviewer and all that. I really do. No "True story," here...people like to tell me stuff. I don't know if the chair is disarming or if I have a kind face.
Not that I've ever talked to anyone with a publicist, though.