Was creeped out to see Maryanne at the table doing her best Gran impersonation. Ewww.
Agreed. I was surprised that Tara didn't pick up on the ick.
And, yes, Godric was be-u-tee-ful.
Huh. I didn't realize that was Bill's maker, so points to the friend I was watching with who caught that.
I wonder if being a shapeshifter allowed her to somehow combat the venom from the creature.
I keep wondering what the scar represents. They've certainly shown it to us enough.
bonny, Ed Quinn was the Dallas vampire in the stetson. I now understand why he loves his costume so much.
At first I thought Daphne's scar had something to do with her being a shifter (it's what tipped me off that that's what she might be) but now it seems to be separate.
The ep as a whole seemed off. The humour wasn't there (not that it always has to be a comedy) but it also seemed a bit dreary (man, Lafayette was bringing me down!).
You know, I was a little saddened by Lafayette's return to Merlotte's. He seems to have lost his fire. I can't wait until he gets it back.
At first I thought Daphne's scar had something to do with her being a shifter (it's what tipped me off that that's what she might be) but now it seems to be separate.
It still could be. She could be a shifter that can shift into more than one shape. Or maybe she's a wereshifter (by which I mean normally she shifts into a cute little doe, but sometimes she shifts into the creature). Or she could shift into a harmless little doe as a fakeout to disarm people.
bonny, Ed Quinn was the Dallas vampire in the stetson.
Ah. I is dum.
"Quinn" is another character in the books who would not...canonically...appear this soon, so I was thrown off.
I see the confusion now. Haven't read the books, otherwise I would have clarified my squee.
Anyone here watch Weeds and have a Bly-Ray player? I accidentally bought the Blu-Ray version of Season 4 and can't get a refund because I already opened it. :(
I do not, but Noise Design might want it. However, I have the complete Season 4 on DVDs made from a DVR that you are welcome to borrow, if you just want to see it and not own it.
Thanks for the offer. This series in particular I like owning on DVD because the extras (audio commentary) are so enjoyable.
Entourage, Deadwood, and The Wire all have good ones, in different ways.
Entourage ones are good mostly cause by now those guys really are friends and they break balls and so forth.Not terribly *instructive* but fun as hell. Which kind of means they match their material perfectly, if you think about it.
Deadwood: I learned so much from David Milch on those, but really I think McShane and Olyphant should have some kind of roadshow. Like "A Bit Of Fry and Laurie" with more expletives.
The Wire: Despite my incredible Simon "spousal delusion" (and, yeah, still love him and how seriously he takes the Commenting process, especially compared to how sad all but, say, two, of the H:LOTS commentaries are. Like I really needed to spend forty bucks to hear Anya Epstein say "I really don't remember much about this." about everything...my favorite is the one with the teens from Season Four...they're hilarious.
But there really is an art to the commentary thing and I think it's too bad that sometimes they get put on because people expect them, not because somebody has something to say.
erika, good observations. I still haven't watched Deadwood, but I own the dvds (gifts). I think what keeps me away is the knowledge that it just up and ends. I hate truncation.
I love my Wire dvds, especially because of the commentary.