And Bill trying to find something modest for Jessica at, what?, Forever 21? Try JC Penny, honey.
So, what, Bill stops Jessica from killing darling Pa so he can kill the whole family? Or, no, okay, he's going to glamour them. Right? RIGHT?!
So that's what everyone meant by Mary Anne and her sexy fog...
I don't really get what it is that Bill was going to do.
The scene with the overly glamoured blonde was hi-sterical. That actress is a fucking hoot.
Oh yeah. That was great.
Maybe Bill will kill and dispose of Jessica's family in a much cleaner way than Jessica would have.
I'm experiencing technical difficulties with my DVR preventing me from watching tonight! Damn.
Eric is made of awesome. Eric, Pam, Mr. Chow, really the whole vampire family. Eric in F21 in a blue track suit? Oh, my. All kinds of fantastic.
And I'm still loving Bill's vampire baby. Poor, poor Jessica. I do enjoy that phrase "mean as a snake." I should use it more often. I, too, am struggling to figure out how Bill is going to make that situation any better, unless he's just planning to glamour the whole family. But how long would that last? I mean, it's not like the Men In Black forget everything light flash, no? He can't just make them not remember that Jessica was ever there, right? As long as it doesn't end in a true vampire baby, a la Louis' vampire baby in Interview with the Vampire, I think I'm OK with that.
And speaking of vamping, I don't think I want vampire Lafayette. No, no. I prefer him as a human of low moral character.
I almost had a twinge of interest in Jason Stackhouse tonight. Huh. He is one sick puppy, poor boy. Not seeing his naked ass each and every week continues to make his character more and more enjoyable. Shirtless is OK, though. Yes, shirtless is very much OK.
Still don't care all that much about Sookie and Bill. I can smell the break up around the corner and I think I'm going to quite enjoy it.
Covering eyes at discussion of new True Blood eps
We continued with True Blood and now we're really into it. We have a few eps left of season 1 and then we'll catch up with season 2. I still hate Jason, but he's much easier to take now that he's in love with psycho hippie girl. I'm really liking Terry, poor thing.
Gilmore Girls watchers trivia: The guy who plays Terry in True Blood played Lane's boyfriend/husband Zack. DW spotted him.
I totally didn't recognize him at all.