The creators had 6 seasons all mapped out but they reached the end of their map with season 3.
That's hilarious!
I watched the first episode of this season's In Treatment, but the schedule was too overwhelming for me to keep up and it kept breaking my DVR for some reason, so no more than that as of yet. I expect to catch up on On Demand at some point and I will pay close attention to the childhood in America business when I do.
Wow, I am SO envious, Glam! How awesome. (The Paley Panel that makes me die with envy is the Arrested Development. I'd have KILLED to be in that audience...)
Glam awesome awesome report. Thanks.
Things I love about Deadwood:
Al Swearengen
Trixies blouses taped to her nipples
Al's monologues as he gets a blowjob --hysterical!
Jane's over-reactions and over-aggressiveness to the simplest of comments
Wild Bill Hickock (gone too soon, imho)*
Charlie Utter, 'nuf said
The set
The music**
* my love of the first season is greater than that of seasons 2 and 3. Too much weight seems to have been transferred to politics and maneuvering, and TO's Bullock became less interesting to me with the loss of Wild Bill. Seriously, his performance seems to have gone downhill in the last two seasons. Extra stiff body language and extra on the crazy eyes in a non-character-enhancing way.
Also, Tolliver will always be the sleazy dad from
Legend of Billie Jean
and I can't stand a single scene he's in. Same goes for E.B. Farnum. I loathe them more than I loathed Rygel. Which was a lot. Even Dr. Kelso gets more love from me (if Al were Dr. Cox, that is). And Hearst scares the bejeezus outa me. Al is a fucking teddybear and it pains me to see him under his thumb. Bullock is embarrassing at this point (just starting season three).
** The theme song is driving me crazy. It sounds like Thomas Newman's
The Horse Whisperer
and Jeff Beal's score to
And yet it's composed by two or four other guys.
Add Calamity Jane and Julie's list is a lot like mine.
But I really came to appreciate Farnum's comedy as well. Some of those episodes are pretty dark and it's nice to have a laugh when you find one.
Ha...if swergin is Cox, and Tolliver is Kelso, that leaves Seth Bullock writing in his journal with the unicorn on it, doesn't it?
Funny thought, that.
For fans of the Wire and Simon: The Baltimore Sun just gutted its staff.
Oh the Sun has been gutting its staff and content for a long while now. Last week they stopped having the Monday & Tuesday "Life" or whatever sections as separate sections and jammed what content they kept into the Sports and front page sections. It's ridic. I can't give up my local paper delivery addiction though. What would I read as I walked the dog in the morning?
I thought maybe you all in Premium would find this funnier than the people at DN seem to.
post toasties
Just got around to reading this thread. Squee! Thanks for the info glam. I love Big Love; it's terrific to read more about it.