In the course of discussing the current structure for television threads, it was suggested to modify the slugs (and sometimes headers) for TV bucket threads to more adequately represent what is discussed in each one. The idea behind this revision is to make it clearer when looking at the list of thread titles which shows are discussed where.
This (non-inclusive) listing would
be to restrict what can be discussed in a given thread, but rather to give an idea as to which 3-5 shows are likely to be dominant in that thread at that time. They would be updated every 4 months or so to reflect the changing network/cable seasons.
The decision as to which shows belong in the current slug will be based on bullshit consensus within each thread. When the call goes out (like now!), please discuss in-thread and then post any update or change in Bureaucracy so that the stompies can update the slug.
The proposed slug for
Premium Cable
is: Discussions of HBO and Showtime original programming including, but not limited to ?, ?, and ?. [NAFDA]
Please revise and fill in relevant titles for the upcoming months and post the update in Bureaucracy.
Currently, the header for
Premium Cable
is: A thread for the discussion of all HBO and Showtime original programming. [NAFDA]
If this needs to be changed, please post an update in Bureaucracy.
It's fluff, but it's very likeable fluff. With Ari.
Yeah, and I think every now and then it's meatier than actual fluff.
Is anyone else watching In Treatment?
I'm confused. In the last episode Paul was talking about his childhood. In America. Which means that there is no reason why he would have a thick Irish accent.
I've never seen that one, Scola, so I don't know what to say besides "He's Gabriel Byrne."
I think I get the Ari love now, as I watched him call someone a "one-armed Marlee Matlin" and somehow was appalled and charmed at the same time.
I think you are supposed to hand wave.
somehow was appalled and charmed at the same time.
Ari does that. A LOT. I also swear I heard (probably here) that he's based on Rahm Emmanuel's brother, who's a real-life H-wood agent.
Because it sounds like he likes her acting very much, but at the same time, it's not too reductive or anything.
And, yes, I read that. Those family occasions must be really...something.
I went to the
Big Love
panel at the Paley Festival last night. In person were:
- Bill Paxton
- Jeanne Tripplehorn
- Chloe Sevigny
- Harry Dean Stanton
- Grace Zabriskie
- Matt Ross (Alby)
- Mark Olsen (co-creator)
- Will Scheffer (co-creator)
Ginnifer Goodwin and Amanda Seyfried were supposed to be there, but had filming conflicts.
They showed a lengthy clip reel from last season, which was awesome. The cast was seated in the row right behind us during the reel, so we heard a lot of laughing and commenting going on as they watched the reel. Bill Paxton wants a
Big Love
movie as he thought it translated well to the big screen (it did).
They all seemed like genuine, nice people with the possible exception of Harry Dean Stanton, who came across as, well, pretty much crazy. He complained frequently at various intervals about being
killed off
and would launch into these bizarre tirades about religion and the individual. I can see why they wanted him for Roman - they seem to have a lot in common! He also made a comment about Chloe's legs (she was wearing short dressy shorts) and she looked embarrassed by it.
Jeanne T. is gorgeous in person. She had a super cute new haircut. Chloe S. is also prettier in real life than in pictures. The ep that got the most play was the road trip one, which DW and I didn't care for. Sure it had some important things happen in it, but the road trip parts? Boring! They had fun stories about it though, like everyone eating at the local El Torito and Chloe S. getting a dance party started in the bar.
Interesting tidbits:
- There are no Mormons or former Mormons among the creators and writers, though there was a former Mormon writer during season 1.
- The creators had 6 seasons all mapped out but they reached the end of their map with season 3. They ramped it up!
- Next year we'll see Margene start maturing ("she can't be a babydoll forever!"). Bill put on a mock sadface at that one.
- Next season will have more on the subjugation of women (Jeanne and Chloe both raised an eyebrow at that one).
- Roman is really, truly
It was a fun evening! I think it was my favorite this year and that's saying something as we attended the events for
Dr. Horrible, Dollhouse,
Battlestar Galactica/Caprica.
The creators had 6 seasons all mapped out but they reached the end of their map with season 3.
That's hilarious!
I watched the first episode of this season's In Treatment, but the schedule was too overwhelming for me to keep up and it kept breaking my DVR for some reason, so no more than that as of yet. I expect to catch up on On Demand at some point and I will pay close attention to the childhood in America business when I do.
Wow, I am SO envious, Glam! How awesome. (The Paley Panel that makes me die with envy is the Arrested Development. I'd have KILLED to be in that audience...)