Ah, is he gone in TV canon now? Damn.
Yes, you're right: Sookie may not have the self-preservation instincts of a mentally deficient lemming, but Jason has a positive
for hurling himself where angels fear to tread.
But I've been enjoying watching it. I think the TV show gives him (and his shagadelic lifestyle) a lot more pathos than the books managed.
Hell, Tara's mother slayed me, actually, at the funeral. I mean, I was still wholly on Tara's side there, but I did feel genuinely sorry for her poor lost mother. And I liked the parallel they gave us, with Tara's mother and Jason, and their selfish, self-destructive, addiction-laden paths.
I love Tara to bits. I don't harbour any illusions about her and Sam making for a quick fix, because, damn, they both have baggage, but I still like them together a lot, and I think that she's a better match for him than Sookie.
(And I don't think I mentioned how disarmed I was by Sam's sleeping puppy noises. BLESS! I just...I'm a cat person, but I did have a whole big attack of Bless.)
...Sookie's poofy white defloration dress was...surprising. Where did she buy it? And when did she have occasion to buy it? It seems a tad out of place in her wardrobe. Unless she started ordering fangbanger lingerie as soon as Vampire Bill blew into town? I mean...wtf?
Sookie strikes me as the kind of person who would have a trousseau. And that would be in it.
I thought it was Mom or Gran's wedding dress. For no good reason.
It looks like my prediction is coming true. Sookie and Bill get back together and little miss young vampire shows up and starts trouble.
Ah, is he gone in TV canon now? Damn.
It's a tad unclear, although it certainly looks that way. I keep hoping they don't waste a character that good. (Haven't read the books, so I have no idea how that correlates. As I understand it, Lafayette is barely nonexistant in the books, so anything's possible, I suppose. Also, while I admit his karma was probably a bit of a minefield, he deserves a bit better than he apparently got.)
It looks like my prediction is coming true. Sookie and Bill get back together and little miss young vampire shows up and starts trouble.
Not sure how I feel about that. She has the potential to be annoying, but right now she's VERY amusing.
but right now she's VERY amusing.
yeah, I'm not experiencing her as very amusing right now.
Perhaps it's just that Bill wears the look of exasperation and despair so well.
As I understand it, Lafayette is barely nonexistant in the books, so anything's possible, I suppose.
Big honkin' book spoiler:
In the books, he's very briefly mentioned, described as black and gay (and gay = wears makeup and minces) DESPITE WHICH dear sweet Sookie likes him perfectly well and thinks of him as a real person because she's just so broad minded. But he promptly dies, so as not to clutter up the text with his blackness or gayness, and we soon discover that his death is a result of his being involved in kinky orgies (because that's what gay people do). This was the point at which I stopped reading the books, although curiosity about this show has brought me back to work my way through the rest of them.
I really like the church sign in theh openining sequence that reads: GOD HATES FANGS. I think the show does a better job than the books of underlining the various kinds of bigotry, and drawing various parallels (without having vamp
an actual stand-in for gay or black).
Having now watched the rest of the series, I continue to be very pleasantly surprised.
Sookie - well, I have no particular fondness for her, and at times she makes my eyes roll out of my head, but I don't mind her being the central character (and I think Paquin does a perfectly good job with her). But I actively enjoy the hell out of the rest of the ensemble, I really do. Particularly Tara and her mama (I think Adina Porter was FABULOUS), but all of them are well rendered and far better rounded and believable, I think, than in the books. Jason in particular I've enjoyed enormously - that whole Amy and Eddie plotline was very good, I thought, in an OMG kind of way. Amy just made me wince and wince and wince with her professions of what a good vegan organic-eating bleeding heart hippy liberal she was, with her miniscule carbon footprint, as she tortured her pathetic vampire prisoner.
I'm liking Pam and Eric tremendously, and I found Bill's Annoying Vampire Daughter unexpectedly hilarious (although I don't know how long that will last). I also like all the little glimpses they give us of pop culture - newspapers with headlines reading 'Angelina Adopts Vamp Baby', the FangPhiles network on TV etc etc. Nice.
Man, I was gutted it was Rene! Defiitely didn't see that one coming! It did seem like a bit of an asspull, but not to worry.
I rather like hot witchy Circe Marianne woman, and approve of her giving Tara a good time, even though I am fairly sure it's all going to go very Gwendoline Post on my poor girl. (Michelle Forbes - bringing the toppy hotness to fangirls and fanboys for years and years, bless her.) At least Tara's got crisp white Egyptian sheets and hot guitar-playing boys and yummy food for a bit. Also lovely purple eyeshadow. But I'm still hoping she and Sam can make a go of it somehow, those crazy mixed-up kids...
Also, I heart Hoit Fortenberry.