Well, it was so close to being a normal episode, and then the bloodsucking "feel me in you" bit. Ugh. And, of course, Jason's ever present classy behavior.
I really love Lafayette
I am sorry that he's going to die, at least if it's true to the books.
He wasn't this fun in the book, as I recall. Some great stuff from him this ep -- "don't blame the Ferrari cause your ass can't drive it" And you knew that someone was going to get their ass kicked when he took off his earrings.
Lafayette taking off his earrings tickled me to death. He really does make everything better. He even made me enjoy Tara in his scene with her. If I completely ignore the Jason storyline, which I am beyond over, then I can say that I really liked this episode. Bill was great again. Sookie's actions were believable, as were Sam's. I liked getting some Bill backstory, although that was an awfully small cabin and those dudes looked like they'd been dead a very long time. Can't fake that funk. And finally, I was surprised by the ending. Didn't see it coming even with all the phone calls. So well played, show. For once.
He even made me enjoy Tara in his scene with her.
Oh, yes "come on, I was all parish" with the baseball bat was great!
I actually felt for Tara a little bit when she found Jason with the divorcee. I really dislike him. I was irritated when he had "no" idea that Tara had a thing for him. It's pathetic,but maybe now she'll get over it.
did anybody watch Entourage? that's the most that show has made me laugh in i don't know how long.
I really liked this True Blood, and not at all grudgingly like before. The dialog was better, and I was getting into the characters and the story.
Did Lafayette say "Tip your waitress" when he left that table? Whatever it was, it was a great line. Also Sookie listening to Tara's mind and hearing "Lalalalala"
When she was telling Sam what she heard in his mind, I kind of expected her to say "Sometimes I heard words, but other times it's like I hear this plaintive yipping sound..."
(spoiler text even though I don't really know what's going to happen)
I liked Bill. "I don't own a refrigerator, sorry."
did anybody watch Entourage? that's the most that show has made me laugh in i don't know how long.
Not yet, but this makes me happy.
Did Lafayette say "Tip your waitress" when he left that table? Whatever it was, it was a great line.
Yes, he did. And it was hilarious.
of course, that whole scene was unnecessary. Why didn't the waitress just quietly get rid of the plate. She was so reluctant to tell Lafayette what happened, so why did she?
She was so reluctant to tell Lafayette what happened, so why did she?
I wondered that too. On the other hand, if she doesn't like Lafayette, that might be the kind of passive aggressive thing she would do. I really don't get her character. I need to watch again.
I wondered that too. On the other hand, if she doesn't like Lafayette, that might be the kind of passive aggressive thing she would do. I really don't get her character. I need to watch again.
her "oh fudge" really did seem sincere. I wonder if the customers put her up to it and she didn't know how to handle it. They said "go tell him the burger has AIDS" and she couldn't figure out how to make her customer happy and not piss off Lafayette.
I could believe that. Everyone has different ways of handling (or not) difficult customers.