Man, I'm still bummed about Stringer. How could they get rid of one of the best characters on the show?? And what a way to go, too. Running scared, cornered, not even fighting back. And fucking Brother Mouzone had to be involved, too. I choose to believe that Omar's shotgun was what really killed him.
And he didn't even get to go out on top! He'd just found out he'd totally been played by that ratfink Clay Davis! And he was just about to get taken down all legally and shit! Man, he'd come so far and built so much.
But, oh man, Avon betrayed him without even knowing that Stringer was totally betraying him! They both ended up fucking each other over! It's so fucked up and glorious! And sad. They were brothers, man. B&B! Wonder what Avon's adventures in prison will be like this time. I mean, who the fuck is running his operation now, Bodie? He's the only one of the original Pit crew left on the street, wily little fucker! See ya, Poot.
It was really interesting to watch Hamsterdam go from being a potentially great idea to a potential clusterfuck to a possibly good idea to an actual clusterfuck.
I'm annoyed that Bunny got shit on so hard! Man, he didn't even get his full pension. I don't know what the difference is between a Lieutenant's and a Major's pension, but I'm sure it's significant. At least Daniels became Major Daniels! Aw.
BEADIE!! Yaaaaay. She makes me smile. A welcome ray of light in these dark proceedings.
Okay, the sex/boxing scene seemed kind of odd and gratuitous.
I thought it was totally cute that Daniels offered McNulty the chance to stay on and was obviously hoping and expecting that he would.
I just discovered that the person I thought was Marlo all season was actually someone named Fruit. What the hell? I thought Marlo was the dude in the funny hat. I don't even remember when the hell I would have seen the actual Marlo. THIS SHOW HAS TOO MANY FUCKING CHARACTERS THAT IT DOES NOT CLEARLY IDENTIFY FOR MY BENEFIT.
So season 3 started off a little slow and confusing, but then it became awesome and I loved it.
I was waiting for you to get to the Stringer death. I mean damn. That was some rough viewing.
Seriously. I was sitting there all tense, clutching at my hands, willing it not to happen.
You said something a little while back about no fallout from Stringer crossing Avon?
Man, he'd come so far and built so much.
The king stay the king, man.
that ratfink Clay Davis
So season 3 started off a little slow and confusing, but then it became awesome and I loved it.
It's so much fun reading your reactions to the show. Thanks for posting them here!
It didn't occur to me until now, but Stringer's story is like Wallace's story, but longer and bigger. Got into the game because that was the best option available, but in some way wasn't really suited to it - he was always either trying to change the rules or get out and go legit, but there's no getting out. Cutty's about the only guy to find a way.
Wow, that's sharp. You mind if I incorporate that into yet another essay on The Wire that I'm working on?
You said something a little while back about no fallout from Stringer crossing Avon?
Heh, yes. It's weird though because it's not like Avon
took him out. Stringer had it coming from both Omar and Brother Mouzone, and it's possible that they could have gotten him on their own. But if there hadn't been some love lost between the two of them, Avon would have actually, you know, tried to save his ass.
His voice is so distinct and out-of-place. Is that a strong Southern accent or what?
It's so much fun reading your reactions to the show. Thanks for posting them here!
I'm glad you're enjoying them!
It didn't occur to me until now, but Stringer's story is like Wallace's story, but longer and bigger. Got into the game because that was the best option available, but in some way wasn't really suited to it - he was always either trying to change the rules or get out and go legit, but there's no getting out.
Aw, man. The fucking game kills all my favorite people. Like I said above, Stringer definitely had it coming (Wallace did too, in a way, since he'd snitched, but he wasn't culpable the way Stringer was), but he was really appreciating the benefits of going legit! Avon, however, sort of embodies the game in his old-school, territorial way of thought.
And, well, you could say the same about D'Angelo. Same sort of deal: got into the game because it was the family business but started to see it wasn't the life he wanted, and he was ready to get out and make something of himself.
The Wire
is like a serial killer of hope.