Brother Mouzone is the most cartoonish character on the show. But he's not on it much, so try to to let it get to you.
I will try. Hopefully, someone will take him out soon.
Rawls: actually, he spouts some fairly bullshit-macho, misogynistic shit all the time. Overcompensating, I assume.
Oh, yeah, I guess. That just seemed...normal to me. Part and parcel of the whole "tough cop" routine. But I guess it did also figure into my assumption that he was heterosexual.
Yeah, they really let the viewer down there. SPECIAL NOTE TO EVERYONE WHO ISN'T A SPECTRAL BOVINE
Heeeeee. Yes, I
expecting something big to happen between them, perhaps in these last two episodes. I have a really, really strong feeling about what's going to happen (based on a friend's reaction to the end of this season). *avoids whitefont like mad*
I finished catching up on Dexter a week or so ago. I like it, the story sucks me right in, but I just hate voice-overs so much it saps some of my enjoyment.
Huh. See the voiceovers are one of my favorite things about the show. MCH really sells the character there to me.
I love the voiceovers too. But I generally like voiceovers.
I like the voiceovers, and the Dexter, and Julie Benz, and his sister, but somehow, I just don't seem to like the show. I watched about 1/2 of the season, and stopped. I may pick it back later, when I have had time to digest the implications of a do-gooder serial killer.
I think it's worth another try, if only because that way you'll get to see the scene with the frying pan. You'll know it when you see it, believe me.
Hee hee hee. Oh, Michael C. Hall.
Oh, it's a freakish and totally irrational hatred of voiceovers that is frequently problematic for me. It took me three tries to get through the first season, but I'm looking forward to the next one, now.
I'm with you, -t.
edit: on the voiceover hate-on. I haven't tried
I revel in the not-aloneness!
I revel in the not-aloneness!
I'm happy to join you in your corner, just as long as you don't feel some freaky need to narrate in a quirky and knowing way.