That McNulty has his CHILDREN TAIL A SUSPECT is simultaneously awesome and horrifying.
I've been waiting for some sort of fallout from the revelation of Daniels's past dirtiness, and it looks like it involves the deputy in some way. And that whole business also helps explain why the department hasn't been so keen on the wiretapping investigation: you don't want to be stepping on the wrong toes. Looks like
in the damn game.
I really wish the vast majority of Barksdale's crew didn't have, like, the exact same hair. Nearly all of them have shaved heads and goatees. Makes it really hard to tell them apart, especially since people so rarely use NAMES on this show and remind me who the fuck everyone is.
Stringer Bell! Learning macroeconomics! Ahahaha.
All fear Omar's vengeance! And then his behavior in the office! "Gentlemen. Ma'am." I'm beginning to see why people love him.
Man, I like Bunk, and he has to go and cheat on his wife. Is every character on television an adulterer?
From what I've gathered, the seasons seem to be very discrete stories. Is the overall continuity more characterwise than plotwise?
Not really. Each season has a theme and some sort of resolution (the 2nd season more than others) but stuff happens in the 1st season that has repurcussions all the way to the end of the series.
Stringer Bell! Learning macroeconomics! Ahahaha.
That's one of my all time favorite things in the Wire!
Each season has a theme and some sort of resolution (the 2nd season more than others) but stuff happens in the 1st season that has repurcussions all the way to the end of the series.
Oh, good. That's what I like to hear.
That's one of my all time favorite things in the Wire!
And McNulty's all, WTF?
Oh, and speaking of favorite things: that scene with Wallace and the kid trying to do a math problem said so many things. So sad and interesting.
"You don't have the fucking floor."
Sometimes they have to make arrests that are...fairly symbolic so that it looks like investigations are working('dope on the damn table"
Holy fuck, Omar is one crazy motherfucker. I initially thought he might actually care somewhat about the ongoing investigation, but apparently not so much. His personal vendetta trumps everything.
I don't know whether I buy one of the Pit boys dropping Avon's name
right in front of two fucking cops,
but I guess he wasn't thinking. Also, he probably doesn't know that the cops know who Avon is since this whole plot started with "Who the fuck is Avon Barksdale?" They must assume the police don't know who the head of operations is. Still, geez. Some discretion!
Cat, I'd like you to meet Mouse.
he probably doesn't know that the cops know who Avon is since this whole plot started with "Who the fuck is Avon Barksdale?"
Avon's pretty much the center of the Pit boys' world. It's unthinkable to them that someone wouldn't know who Avon is.
So it's more the opposite line of reasoning: they
the cops know who he is already.
Avon is like...Bill Gates to those guys.