Just finished season 2.
The brother-murdering bastard gets to live, and the kid dies? Stupid town!
Alma and Ellsworth! Aww.
As usual, there's a bunch of stuff that's going over my head. I'm not entirely sure I understand how all the annexation business is working and who's coming out ahead and why. But I did like that they intercut the awkward wedding with the awkward signing of the contract.
Farnum is such a slimeball.
Was I supposed to like Jane by now? Because I still want her off my screen.
God, Mrs. Bullock is so irritating. I'm so tired of
The Mr. and Mrs. Bullock Frigid Relationship Hour.
I used to really like Seth, too.
WTF Wolcott?? I can't tell if he just went nuts and hanged himself or whether someone "took care" of him.
Take that, San Francisco cocksucker!
And Tolliver! Stabbity! He'll live.
I think some stuff needs to blow up next season.
The Mr. and Mrs. Bullock Frigid Relationship Hour.
Was I supposed to like Jane by now? Because I still want her off my screen.
You have no cirrhosis in your heart.
Or no magic in your liver, I'm not sure which it is.
Aw, dude, give Jane a break.
She's had a hard road.
Has she? As far as I can tell, she lost her friend Bill. And she's a drunk. Who slurs all her words and speaks to everyone in the same brash tone. And I still have no idea why she's like that or what purpose her character serves, since she doesn't
Well, in a culture that says, okay, little girl, wife or prostitute, she is surviving without being either. Maybe not in a way we want to emulate, but she puts one boot in front of the other(except when spirits make that, uh, challenging.)
The older I get, I respect that. And I get the impression she saw some shit in her indian-scout days, but I'm not sure how explicit canon is about that. Not as much as the Doc at Antietam, but she's got some scars.
That is a point. I find it amusing that my favorite female characters are two whores and a gimp.
But I also find it interesting that
appears to have a lot of women on the writing staff.
I like that she has a layered character that doesn't fit the wife/whore stereotype . She has a very soft heart which she inexpertly protects by being brash and loud. She doesn't like people much, but protects children and can masterfully nurse the sick. She can shoot and hunt and spit but was also unable to keep from making moon eyes at Bill. She wanted Bill to see her as a woman, but wouldn't dress like one or try to look "attractive." She has strength when dealing with disaster, but can't stay sober on an everyday basis. I like her a lot.
(Bracing for P-C Wire "I hate Bubbles," posts.
But if that happens, I might have to hit you. A vague disclaimer being nobody's friend, and all.)
I never realized till I typed that they reminded me of each other. Except Jane had Bill, not Steve Earle.
Scrappy, those are all also good points. I just find her manner extremely off-putting; I really can't stand the way she talks. I like her in the occasional moment, however. I really liked her scene with the NG, how she was completely unfazed by what anyone might think of her for sharing a drink with him.