Yeah, I am totally loving Gwen. I also love her boyfriend, and I hope he sticks around for a while before the (inevitable) breakup, maybe even meets some of her coworkers. I'm digging Gwen's tension with Jack as well, although I don't know if they're being set up to fall in love or not (I hope not, though it could be done well enough to convince me). Regardless, the scene at the firing range was ridiculously hot.
One thing about Gwen:
In both the pilot and the last episode, she completely freaks out when confronted with death and/or physical violence. In the pilot, when Suzie is threatening to shoot her, Gwen loses her shit and starts sobbing and shaking and babbling. In ep. 3, when the dude (I forget his name) walks into the knife that she's holding and dies bloodily, she once again flips out like crazy, with the sobbing and the shaking; it's way more extreme than I'm used to seeing on TV.
Anyone else notice that?
I'm not saying
she's overreacting -- I mean, I hardly think I would be any more calm if the same thing happened to me -- but I think TV characters usually tend to keep it together a little more. I like it as an acting choice, though it's uncomfortable to watch, because it reminds us that Gwen really isn't very familiar with violence, despite being a police officer. It'll be interesting to watch Torchwood toughen her up.
Yeah, that was one of my favorite moments when he hears about Hiro's abilities and goes "That's cool!" in a total fanboy voice.
Hee! That was my favorite moment too. I also thought the scene with Hiro and Ando* in the bathroom, listening to ikiN slaughter the dudes outside, was really effective and creepy, plus it served to demonstrate (as if the dismembered bodies weren't enough) how totally scary ikiN is.
*My other favorite line of the episode: "That is how we roll!"
x-post with kat!
Okay, one of my IRL friends noticed it: it was very near the beginning of the show on the nightstand in a Nikki + Micah scene.
Via Kevin in the Minearverse thread, a screencap of the wax lion is here.
I wonder if the wax lion is a subtle hint about Niki's character, in that she has crazy-like conversations with things that aren't there.
I wonder if the wax lion is a subtle hint about Niki's character, in that she has crazy-like conversations with things that aren't there.
Possibly, but it's more likely a shout-out to consulting producer Bryan Fuller.
So is Nikki going to be found and rushed to a hospital in time? Cause so far there has been no sign her super powers include super healing.
I'd be very surprised if they wrote Ali off the show. Having no idea what happened to her (did he squeeze something? does just phasing through someone and holding it there freak stuff out?) it remains to be seen what needs to be done.
Who is there who'd come over? That best friend?
Did anyone post Entertainment Weekly's Fauxbituary of Ellen Tigh here?
Ellen Tigh, 35 (according to her previous statements), wife of Col. Saul Tigh, executive officer of the Battlestar Galactica, died in her sleep on the eve of the exodus from New Caprica. Though she engaged in the occasional marital indiscretion (according to Cmdr. William Adama, she had ''slept with half the fleet while Saul was in space''), her devotion to her husband, and his career, was both unwavering and absolute. After President Baltar took office and the colony of New Caprica was established, Mrs. Tigh was instrumental in persuading her husband to move from the orbiting Galactica to the surface (''They were so sweet together,'' says Chief Petty Officer Gaelin Tyrol of the couple. ''He had that special look in his know, the eye that wasn't ripped out by the Cylons'') — and if she hadn't, the Insurgency would not have had Colonel Tigh to lead them so unflinchingly out of bondage. (Rumors of Mrs. Tigh's ''collaboration'' with members of the Cylon government have never been confirmed.)
Ellen Tigh is survived by her husband — whose only comment was to ''get the frak out of my face before I blow you out the damned air lock'' — but her loss will be felt by hundreds of men throughout the fleet.
You know, I've been thinking about it, and Niki totally had this coming. I think this is the wake-up call she needed to gain control of her powers. Taking her son away? I think that's going to be her catalyst. Whether she decides to remain villain or hero will then be up to her. Her fight with DL was badass, though, and I can't wait to see what's up with their awesome kid.
I LOVED "This is how we roll." It made me snorfle.
Bad!Pixie was boring and predictable. We got nothing out of the Claire storyline that we didn't already know. It's kind of counterproductive for Hiro and Ando to go all the way to NYC just to go to Texas, but whatev.
Er, I realize I will be in the minority of the fandom in this, but I really dislike Gwen. Frankly, I think she's a twat who doesn't even make a good foil. I will probably fast forward any further parts of the show trying to ship Gwen and Jack, and that's not just because I love the idea of Jack pining for the doctor, who will never be the same person he thinks of even if they do meet again. I think it's trite, and didn't even have the glow of Rose/Doctor, which is at least a pleasure to watch. This is more like uncomfortable, being forced into a mold of wrongness.
TW is completely fucking around with moral centres in an entirely uncompelling way. Where I can watch DW and buy that this awesome Time Lord with the weight of the universe on his shoulders has Difficult Choices, I find I can't stretch that acceptance of loose morality with a bunch of humans messing with things they can't control or understand. Though that isn't that unusual--it's definitely an extention of the Torchwood set up in DW proper. But c'mon. Owen is a rapist. He is a loose canon. He's not interestingly messed up, and he's not a very nice person. I honestly don't see how I'm supposed to cheer him on, at all.
It's too bad, because I wanted to
like it. But I really don't at all. (That's not to say I won't keep watching, though, because of Jack's ass and the possible future DW crossovers. And I don't want to rain on anyone else's happy parade. It's disappointing, mostly. Like Studio 60.)
Having no idea what happened to her (did he squeeze something? does just phasing through someone and holding it there freak stuff out?) it remains to be seen what needs to be done.
I don't know if Kitty ever did it, but both the Vision and Phantom Girl would just partially materialize their hand in the bad guy's chest, which apparently causes great pain and shock to the recipient. D.L.'s a long time comic book fan, so he knows this.