Whoa, we get previouslies!
ooh, love the revealed relationship between Henry and Stark, mentor and star pupil, very cool! Fargo getting paired with Bev is just all kinds of suspicious, but perhaps too obvious?
Lots of good laughs, and am so glad that the whole Woman-is-better-than-Man "feminism" was toned down by Jo being wrong and not strong enough a couple of times (cuz honestly, female payback is not the same as equality, and sometimes TV takes the man-bashing a little too far, IMO).
Good ep, but not so solid. Some of the writing seemed a tad heavy-handed (have I read this fanfic?!), especially towards the end. One of the reasons I love sci-fi is that the "what if?" allows for exploration of characters, emotions, relationships, themes, etc. in new ways. I hate it when situations are presented where the characters have to pretend within the story. It's just... it seems like a cheap shot. Especially with the "A Very Special Eureka" music playing to let us know that very important
are being talked about.
/end rant
Dude: beer and Choco Yums?! I've had grape juice in my cheerios, but I was six :P
Tone: very funny, loved the hammy ominous music with the shots of each of the characters. I giggled like an idiot. But when pizza dude (in a very appropriate red shirt) gets esploded into jiggly jello-y bits, it felt cheap and nobody seemed really scared or horrified. I don't care how silly an ep is supposed to be overall, but sh*t like that shouldn't be a throwaway.
I'll probably rewatch tomorrow and regret everything I just typed, eh.
Also, the entire ep, I was waiting for someone to comment on Carter's b.o. (besides S.A.R.A.H. of course :P)
I'm a leetle bit confused with the still-extant romantic triangle - I thought Alison decided on Stark?
good call, totally went over my head (*pets*). We saw her being professional with her interaction with Stark in the beginning, and then it was all her and Carter, and she was so totally throwing herself at him.
I liked that Jack was willing to sacrifice the bat by bashing the generator with it if it meant Zoe's safety.
The parental scream was very, very believable, too. It had the right pitch. Not that I've had to use it yet, but I've come close.
But when pizza dude (in a very appropriate red shirt) gets esploded into jiggly jello-y bits, it felt cheap and nobody seemed really scared or horrified. I don't care how silly an ep is supposed to be overall, but sh*t like that shouldn't be a throwaway.
Exactly. I know it was one way to show us the switch from Sarah to Brad, but it was just too broadly drawn. It irritated me. Although, the red shirt was funny.
But when pizza dude (in a very appropriate red shirt) gets esploded into jiggly jello-y bits, it felt cheap and nobody seemed really scared or horrified. I don't care how silly an ep is supposed to be overall, but sh*t like that shouldn't be a throwaway.
Star Trek made me into a cold bitch when it comes to disposable crew members. While Pizza Dude was a cruel plot devise, the twinge to my conscience was brief.
they really could have upped the stakes by having appropriate reactions from everyone, but what followed basically told me not to worry, he was an expendable character who nobody cares about and wasn't actually a character in the universe of Eureka (and it kinda irked that they made sure that he was annoying enough for us to not care if he died. Chickens.)
eta prolly why I hate ST, SG-1 and SG:A
Protective dads willing to sacrifice anything to save their children are hot.
I had more to say, but... yeah.
they really could have upped the stakes by having appropriate reactions from everyone, but what followed basically told me not to worry, he was an expendable character who nobody cares about and wasn't actually a character in the universe of Eureka (and it kinda irked that they made sure that he was annoying enough for us to not care if he died. Chickens.)
The one flaw in an otherwise great episode has been pointed out. In a town as small as Eureka, why didn't they know his name? Ima go back to the good parts.
I loved Tag's hate/admiration for the NIMH mice from GD.
Before tonight, I really liked Eureka. Now, I am absolutely, totally in love with this show. Damn good episode.
loved the whole "Jo will save us" "She's not here" "We could blow [Sarah] up." "She's not
and Stark cuts Carter off from the beer, hee!
Eureka's another one of those shows you don't catch everything the first time around. I'm going to have to start taping, ahemming takes too long.