The Great Write Way
A place for Buffistas to discuss, beta and otherwise deal and dish on their non-fan fiction projects.
I know it's haiku day, but I'm going to sneak in a drabble.
Everyone in the house is tired, stretched to the last threads of patience, of composure. Hope left days ago, and now all that’s left is the sound of her breathing, raspy, wretched, and everywhere. The power has been out for hours, lines blown down by the wind. In the kitchen, an aunt and uncle share a bottle of wine over an old mulberry candle. In her room, people perch on her bed, stroking her hands, murmuring last promises. My mother sits quiet in the corner, afraid of the dark. Having said all my goodbyes, I leave before it’s over. Twenty minutes later, the phone rings. It’s done.
Oh, Lilty, lovely.
This scares me. I wrote it, didn't look at it, just highlighted it and told Word to count it. 100 words, first shot. Not changing anything.
If I could do it all again
Six years, do it over, have it back
Like a child with a ball, stuck between high tree limbs
Crying and stamping
Would I be more visible, more insistent
Would I care for you better, hold less tightly
Would I have become the centre of your universe
Your firmament's brightest star
Would you have loved me more, forgotten her
Would you still be alive?
It didn't have to end that way
Shouldn't have ended at all
My own doing, the child, the ball, the high tree limbs
Weeping into the morning
Sweet Jesus, Deb. That's inspired.
Sometimes it feels as if every damned word I write about him, and those years, is inspired.
As mentioned in the 2004 byebye thread, if Teppy hadn't begun this idea, I would quite possible have lost my sanity, especially in September.
Well, you've channeled it incredibly. I wish I could write about the rough stuff with more clarity. It feels like every time I try to start, it gets blurry and moves away from me. Not the actual people and events, but the emotion behind it, the reason I'm writing about it in the first place.
Well, it has taken me ten years and over, in some cases.
I've always been able to channel the bits I remember. The problem is, I'd blocked out so much, and something about this year has put some cracks in the memory armour, and things are beginning to surface.
There was a pregnancy in there. I'd literally blanked it, and the miscarriage. Mind-fucking, isn't it? I have no idea how much stuff I've lost, or may get back. Some of this stuff I'm getting confirmation from friends who were there, because I literally am not sure.
You really have leapt right over that wall to see what's back there, haven't you, deb?
You really have leapt right over that wall to see what's back there, haven't you, deb?
The lion only stinks in the cage - if you let out into the jungle, it may be scary, and may potentially eat you, but at least it smells like a lion, not like something in a cage, and the fight is a fair fight, and the end a fair end.
If I choose not to see the monsters on the path, I have no right to complain when they devour me.
Yes, mixed metaphors.
Damn, Deb. Does this kind of stuff come in flashes, or seem dream-like? (Possibly entirely too personal, so feel free to tell me to shove it.)
There's one tiny thing, from when I was very young, that I remembered when I was in college. The trouble is not knowing if what I see is real, or a memory of some sick sort of dream, and it's nothing I could EVER ask about. But that was just one event, and it was childhood. I can't imagine having any extended period of time lost. I'm glad that these exercises help you with the mind-fuckness of it all.
Vaguely remembering that Deb isn't a hugger, makes her tea and tells her she rocks.