Well, he doesn't necessarily need to be typical, just plausible. I'm seeing him as someone who isn't really all that comfortable with himself as a sexual being, and would be prone to categorize women as either madonnas or whores.
Ooh, I just remembered I have a book on sex in Georgian England! I really should organize my library a little better so I don't forget these things exist.
t goes off and checks book
It looks like the transition from "women have equal or greater libidoes than men" to "women have lesser libidoes unless they're somehow corrupt" happened during the 18th century, and was well along the way to completion by the Regency. So I think I can get by with this characterization.
He could even see his viewpoint as being somehow more respectful of women.
Ooh, yeah, that's good. I can run with this....
Monday? New challenge?
edit: wait a minute. Is it Monday or Sunday?
Today is Sunday, the day all writers spend at church, dontcha know....
No, I can't even type that without laughing my ass off.
New challenge tomorrow.
I just flat-out lost a day. Huh. Weird.
Never mind, move along...
Oo! Good. Still time to get my drabble in under the line.
t plotting
I am happy.
I finished Gravekeeper. I've got half the beta-reads back and they're stellar.
And - more happy-making than that, even - I just typed the opening paragraph of Cruel Sister.
Damn straight. Congratulations!