Challenge 26
Word Count: 100 (sans title)
Lie Becomes Truth
Nobody will know. Or notice. If they do, they won't care. I will do it later. Tomorrow. Next week. Next time. Next year. There will be plenty of time. In fact, I can make time. I can squeeze it in, when it is more convenient.
No one expected it now, anyhow. Nobody will remember, later. I am the only one concerned about it.
How important could it be? It is not as if I am the first to do this. I am pretty sure this has happened before. The world did not end. It won't matter in the long run.
Cindy, I like this muchly, especially guessing what the "it" is.
How important could it could it be?
I think this is a typo.
Thanks, Lee, and thanks for the typo catch, too. I made a slight change to keep the word count at 100.
Cindy, I'm with Lee - nicely written, and the curiosity factor makes it even better.
Anyone want to read some stuff I'm planning to enter in a contest? It's a first kiss contest, with the final round judge an editor from a publisher I'd love to work with. You enter a one-page set-up, plus a first kiss scene of no more than ten pages. The set-up is the hardest part. It's not actually judged, but it needs to introduce what's going on, and I'm sure the better it is and the more compelling you make the characters sound, the better off you are. I'm not at all satisfied with what I've got so far.
Anyway, can I get a couple of beta readers to look at the set-ups and then the scenes themselves?
Yup. Send. But I'm mildly time-crunched for the next couple of days - what's the deadline?
No great rush. Entries have to be received by 11/1, and I'm shooting to mail mine by 10/18 just to avoid that rushed scrambly feeling. I'll insend and then head for sleep.
Susan, I realize I don't have a track record as a beta reader here but I've really enjoyed the bits of your work you have posted and would love to help you out.
My profile address is good.
Susan, I'd be happy to read it. You can send it to either address. You want the most feedback on the setup page, yes?
Insent, AmyLiz and lisah. I'm not sure I want the most feedback on the setup page, just more than one measly page would normally get!
After that 45-second pitch experience, I never thought it would be so hard to do a one-page setup of less than half (in Anna's case, a whole lot less than half) of a novel. But it is, especially since you have to do the character and conflict stuff you'd put in a pitch, plus enough setting and backstory that the reader will know where the hell they are when they start reading the scene itself.