So, what were we doing here, talking in public? Is is that you just don't think I'm worth conversing with, or you didn't think I had a right to butt in?
OK, this is so far from what I mean that it made me laugh, choke, and blink, all at once. We seem to have an incredible gulf in how we communicate - you're speaking English and I'm speaking Martian, or something. I'll try to clarify before I go, just because I would not for two seconds have you think either of those things.
I didn't want to have this discussion, period. Not with you, not with anyone. It drove me out of Literary and I was down to four threads and this was the one I valued most, and the subject, except as it related to Yvonne's rant, was one I didn't think belonged in here, which I thought was supposed to be designed for creating, not critiquing. I am apprently mistaken in that assumption, so I've unsubscribed. I can do Teppy's challenges through the Livejournal site, and anyone who wants feedback can email me. And of course, I'll still be whimpering for feedback on my stuff - I'll just be doing it in email.
I'm not leaving the discussion. I'm leaving the thread entirely.
and the subject, except as it related to Yvonne's rant, was one I didn't think belonged in here
But Deb, you're the one who brought it up.
Maybe this is the wrong thread to have this conversation, and I think I just had to write that humungous post I just deleted, not post it. It wasn't hurtful or anything, but in the time between when I started typing and when I posted, the kerfuffle had grown and Deb had decided to leave the thread.
Deb, please come back. My guess is that this was just a side note to our normal madcap creation. It's not worth losing the thread.
Kristin, I can tell from your post that you are one HELL of a teacher. Thank you for your post AND for being such a damn fine teacher.
That said, I really would like to echo your thought that this conversation is better suited to Literary.
crap. I deleted it right after I posted it.
Thanks for the feedback Steph. I didn't mean to make you look crazy.
Thanks for the feedback Steph. I didn't mean to make you look crazy.
1) You didn't make me look crazy -- I do that all by myself. It's an art form.
2) I really did love what you said. It's why I would love to teach English some day.
Thanks, so much.
It just seemed a little silly to leave it up when I saw that Deb didn't want to talk about it and had, in fact, left the thread. It feels self-indulgent to leave a post to someone who was vehemently opposed to reading it just because I felt good about the points I made, especially as Deb and I are friends and I don't want to damage that. I have really been working on not arguing for the sake of arguing.
You don't look crazy by yourself ever. I always enjoy reading your posts. Also? I think you'll be a hell of an English teacher. Good luck with that!