erika, I'm one of those sickening people: I write really fast. Plainsong took six weeks; And Then Put Out The Light took about nine, I think.
That's not a boast. It's just this weirdassed organic thing going on.
edit: and BTW, I do not diss the creation of one great page. Believe me, I don't.
Well, I just wish I could...maybe if it was my ass if I didn't get done, but there've not been deadlines lately, and I don't think it's healthy to do that purposefully too many is what I thought the group would give, if they weren't complete lamers.ETA: Or, spin, maybe I'm the Pembleton of Dialogue. "Please don't be an idiot. Thank you." Yeah, I'm so brilliant.
Erika: Insent! And thanks again very much!
Deb: Its ok! I was just afraid that the summary was so bad that it turned everyone off and everyone was afraid to tell me.
Kessie - definitely not. It's just that I'm so behind on what I already promised to do (Deena, I'm hanging my head in shame), that I don't want to promise-and-not-keep anything to anybody else.
All the "writing" I've done since being on bedrest and getting this laptop has been a handful of freelance resume and cover letter projects. Which is nice because they pay, but I'm starting to doubt I'll be touching either of the novels again until May, which is depressing.
OK, demanding of a beta do you want? It helps me to ask...I'll know whether to get out my fine-toothed comb or not.
Susan, can you use the time to read and resarch, at least?
Eh, I really should. But I get in the bad habit of watching TV and movies while I'm lying down, because they provide a nice, measured way of passing the two-hour increments, and then when I'm sitting up I'm generally catching up on boards or doing such little bits of housework as don't involve exertion--sorting through papers to decide whether to keep or recycle, etc. And now that my parents are here, even though they're only over in the daytime and are in a hotel at night, it's harder.
And really, the writing that ought to be my first priority, but hasn't been, is the thank-you notes from my shower that was over a week ago now.
Basically, I've just turned into a remarkably lazy woman--it's like I quit being driven cold turkey. Hopefully it'll come back eventually.
W00t!!! I wrote a short (500-word-ish, pared down from 800) piece on How I Came to Fencing, and a local publication (of the free and newsprint variety) is going to run it sometime in the fall!
Nilly: You are excused. Hope you ´ll have a great time in the US btw! Do you know your date when you are flying yet?
Erika: Fine- toothed is fine with me ! Hope it`ll get the knots out of my unkempt writing ;)