I don't mind the sorrow or the rage, although I'm disinclined toward a pure version of either - mine tends to be a sense of shocked outrage at a perceived injustice, and then I steamroller. As you may have noticed, I'm neither passive nor passive-aggressive.
I have two real states. No, three. Apathetic, hyper, and cranky.
Yes, this. I think the $150K first-time advance may have sort of encouraed her to be starry-eyed, though -- I know it would me.
It's so tech boom, if you translate industries. Which is scary.
So, Dear Jane: either put this experience to use and keep writing, or give it up and maybe just write about why you gave it up.
You know, I bet that would actually sell well...
Irish chick lit article from the Globe & Mail.
ETA I found the Torstar one as well.
I think it was in the Toronto Star online, last Thursday or Friday. Entitled something like "Chick Lit Invades Ireland" or something.
Oh! Someone linked to that in livejournal because it annoyed her. It sounded skippable from her description, but now I shall go read.
You know, I bet that would actually sell well...
Damn, I love you, Plei. The irony in there is beautiful. Can't you just see it now?
From the NYTBR: "Disappointed", by Jane Doe Austen, chronicling her failure to deal with achieving success as a commercial writer after a series of enormous book advances failed to place her on the Times Best Seller list, today reached the number three spot on the Times Best Seller List..."
Thanks, Dani - my brain remembered the Star, and was clinging madly to it.
No, three. Apathetic, hyper, and cranky
You forget "brilliantly creative."
Also forgot "writes like a cranky pissed-off archangel when the mood hits."
You know, there are some truly sensational writers in this thread (fangirl).
Her supporters argue that her romantic fantasy, PS, I Love You (HarperCollins), is a genuinely moving work worth its staggering commercial success: It sold for £150,000 ($365,000) on the basis of the first 10 chapters, snagged a cool $1-million for U.S. rights, and will make its way into 28 countries, including Serbia and Albania.
That smells like auction fever to me. Then again, what do I know... I thought The Bridges of Madison County stank.
That smells like auction fever to me. Then again, what do I know... I thought The Bridges of Madison County stank.
Loving Betsy. And yes, smells like auction fever to me, as well.
But it still means those 20 or 30 writers just lost a percntage point or twelve at getting a deal with Hyperion. That money, for whatever reason, is still tied up in one untried kid. And that means - I'm not a math person, but this much I can work out - that there's $1M less left in the kitty for other new writers.
Stank? That was kind.(I know I need to ease up on this, but I'll tell you...whoever on SVU had Munch say that it contained "flabby emotionless prose devoid of meaning" pushed him on to my "Fictional Characters I'd like to do" list cause he made my writer's heart beat faster.