Kessie, I'm just deborah, or deb - very informal. I'll go back and have a read through some of your work if you think it would be useful to you, you bet.
Liese, married to a bassplayer (and long involved with a worldclass piano player, for years before that), plus my father was a violinist. I feel your pain on the musicianly "yeeeeeARH!" thing, believe me.
ok .. Hi Deb ! Well it would be really cool if you would read some of my stuff! On the site there is mostly just summaries on the stuff i´m working on now ( and old stuff) . When you want to read one of the current ones .. just tell me and i´ll send it to you ... or when you have a lj go here
So, can I get takes from those of you who have read Still Life?
My agent just heard back from Linda Marrow (head honcha at Random House) - she'd demanded and got an exclusive submission, which meant no one else was looking at it. Took her five months to decide, but she's passing. She said, and I quote, "...talented and gifted, and demonstrated your gift for portraying intelligent, appealing characters. But she felt let down at the end of the story. She said the ending just didn't work for her -- it was too abstract and surreal and the rules of the alternate universe weren't communicated well to the reader."
Which, personally, tells me that she was looking at it as entirely a diferent kind of book, since there aint no stinking alternate universe; that's the point. Everywhere you can travel is part of your reality. The danger in SLWD isn't from alternate realities to the One true Universe; it's posed by being dragged into someone else's reality, under the mistaken impression you can control things.
IOW? This isn't a science fiction novel; it's a basic supernatural police procedural with memorable characters and my usual morality play as the not so subtle subtext.
So what I want to know is, did anyone else want or expect a different ending? Because Jenn flatly disagrees with her, and so do I.
But feedback is good.
So it's about to be on its way (finally!) to Amy Einhorn at Warner, John Morgan at Berkeley, and Christina Boys at Pocket (Linda Marrow's old house, back when the earth was still cooling). We shall see.
erika, haven't you? Want me to send it as a word doc?
No, I haven't read it. Yes, I want to.
Deb : Can i read ,too? It sounds very interesting ...
Kessie, have you visited Fic yet? And I ask that not only out of my own attention-seeking(much) but because I noticed y'all write Buffy and Angel, and um, that's where we talk about that kind of writing. And I'm big with the self-pimping too. But you'll probably like my stuff better if you've watched Homicide...which I'm not sure if it got where you are.
Deb, I can't imagine a different ending. Really, that just doesn't seem right. I'm not firing on all cylinders today, so I can't seem to find the words I want, but the ending was right.
God, I'm sorry...did you want my opinion, like, yesterday? In that case, best go read.