Bev, sorry love. I made a few changes (incorporating some of Betsy and Astarte's suggestions). Hence the delay. Insent; no rush.
Deena, insending. I have something largeish to send you (or rather Kara) and I need to get to the post office, but first I need to find a box....
Got it, Deb, and comments sent. So excited! This is really really real, isn't it? Woooooo!
Deb, backflung. Sorry for taking so long. I'm excited too.
We've been having warmish weather, so if it's what I think it is, we'll be okay for a bit without.
My husband is a sick twist.
He suggests I open the first paragraph ("well-travelled Deb") with:
Intimately experienced in the sordid fleshpots of a dozen ports...
Hee! I'm liking Nic more and more the more I hear about him (except for that coming home late on Avonex night stuff).
Actually, that's a kickass lead. GO with it.
I like it too, though I might change it to "intimately acquainted with".
I'm quite serious. It's a grabber, it's funny, and it happens to be true.