Yay, Susan! What a terrific feeling!
Can I ask a wee little question? Did the ending take you by surprise? Did you say, "But-but--I've got another scene, or three..."
Nup. Finished.
That's it, you're done.
Or did you know it before you typed the last line?
I knew what the last three scenes would be for months, and today I wrote them. I fully expect that the editing process will involve adding and deleting scenes here and there, and possibly adding an epilogue if I think it needs it on further reflection, but I knew this would be the ending.
Yay, Susan. I'm happy for you...and hoping it rubs off. All the best to you with it.
Sooo very pleased and excited for you!
Susan, that's excellent news. Congratulations.
(rubbing hands gleefully)
Damn, I do like seeing writers write.
Yay, Susan!!!!! I'm so proud and happy for you I'm teary-eyed. How very, very exciting!
Yay, Susan!!!
(I would like to point out, for the record, that the above excess punctuation marks are uncharacteristic, and merely the product of vicarious exuberance. I am in no way responsible for their impact, however, they are meant in the most heartfelt manner. Please resume your congratulatory spirit.)