Tequila has a cult status among some of my IRL friends. I don't really understand the appeal, but I partake when I'm with them.
My out-and-about drinks of choice are either vodka and cranberry or Kahlua and cream. Or inappropriately-named shots that make the waiter blush.
Yeah, we went to Picolo one night, and Porto Bella (? -- right across the street) the other. They were both good. We were going to go to the seafood place along there, but it was way too pricy!
Yeah, Porto Bella is supposed to be the gold standard for Italian in Worcester, although I've not been there and can't say for certain. Lots of people in town swear by it.
Sorry I missed you!
I got off the tonic when I was low-carbing it, so now I drink a lot of Stoli Vanilla and Diet Coke.
Tequila has a cult status among some of my IRL friends. I don't really understand the appeal, but I partake when I'm with them.
Saturday I drank an undetermined amount of Tequila and made out with Leif Garrett.
Hey, it happens.
My drink this summer was Jack & Ginger. I think I may be over it though.
made out with Leif Garrett.
Former teen heartthrob? That Leif Garrett??
Seriously? Clearly he must have cleaned up his act a little to be worthy of our SPP.
It was my birthday. I was very very drunk. Guys kept kissing on me. One of them was all "happy birthday" and I was groping his ass and I was all "nice ass" and he's all "not bad for 44, huh?"
Then ten minutes later they call his name for Karaoke and its freakin Leif Garrett.
We talked a little later and he was helping me down the stairs when we left, being sorta flirty, and my sisters glared and I said, "my sisters don't let me go home with strangers when I'm drunk." He laughed and said, "good idea" and kissed me on the cheek (I think) and said good-night.