I have never seen nor read The Outsiders.
So all those "Stay gold, Ponyboy" jokes aren't going to mean much to you, huh?
Gronk. Just got woken up by EM calling. Emmett's got a sore throat that she deems worthy of a sickday. So I've got to go fetch him. Plus my plans are shot for the day. Bother.
Poor Emmett. I hope he feels better.
I need to go back to sleep. So far? I don't like today at all.
eta: proper spelling, as I am not (always) an idiot.
Poor Emmett. I hope he feels better.
I'm always so dubious when he claims symptoms that are less than puking, high fever or broken bones. But he really was sick the last time, so I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.
As one who almost never puked? Thank you.
Hope the wee man feels better soon.
Anyway, I feel sick today with few actual symptoms. I just feel wrong. So I am taking a sick day from life.
I have a sore throat and some sniffles, but not bad enough to stay home -- my #1 least favorite kind of sick. If I'm not better by Thursday, though, I'm skipping our company outing.
Cute cockatoo chick: [link]
Looks more like a muppet than a real bird....
today my office is moving. I find it HIlarious that they really think we will work until 2. I did about an hour and a half of work when I came in. ow. nsm.
We are "off" from 2-5, but then have to show up at 5 to unpack and I think the expectation is we stay 3 hours at that point (I'm kinda pretyy sure that ain't happening). ANyhoo I have a 2:30 massage and then I am getting a pedi and then I am going shoe shopping AND then I am going to have a cold beverage outside and people watch. WHEE!
ANyhoo I have a 2:30 massage and then I am getting a pedi and then I am going shoe shopping AND then I am going to have a cold beverage outside and people watch.
Ooh, very nice! Want to meet for lunch tomorrow? Or any day in the future?
Is your new office a farther commute than before?
WGN is running Homicide from the beginning, it looks like. The pilot's on right now.
Oh, Tim Bayliss. So young.