I had narcotic shots with Owen during the 20 hours of labor which didn't work nearly as well as I would have liked them to.
I had two "full on" epidurals and really, I could feel plenty--it just wasn't painful. I think the procedure has gotten a lot better and the drugs they use less potent (or else they're better at dosing) because I could feel and control pushing. I don't think it's about the lower half of your body disappearing anymore. But again--this is definitely a discussion you should have with your OB.
mock the fuck out of the two bonehead dads-to-be with the cracktastic questions. So, permit me to sneer at them.
I would LOVE to have video during the delivery with these guys. I'll bet you'd be able to see the lightbulbs going on when they realize what the hell is happening.
"So, if the whole procedure takes only 15 minutes instead of maybe two days of labor, and it's completely painless, why doesn't everybody just have one?"
I hope this guy realized that "painless" was for the cutting/removing baby part and that the recovery from major abdominal surgery is a bitch.
Happy Phoenix Birthday, Everybody!
It's the second part of a two parter. I need to go find me some recaps because I can't recall where we left off.
I think that it was Elle in her house with the psycho
I hope this guy realized that "painless" was for the cutting/removing baby part and that the recovery from major abdominal surgery is a bitch.
This was explained, in words of as few syllables as possible, but I don't think it did any good.
Man, both those ignorami. Their poor wives.
Happy birthday, Lee! How's Vegas?
I hope this guy realized that "painless" was for the cutting/removing baby part and that the recovery from major abdominal surgery is a bitch.
Okay, I've had fibroid surgery, which is basically a mini C-section, so it was smaller and theoretically less painful. and it was NOT painless. You should have asked "if it's so goddamned painless, why do they give you a morphine drip?"
How's Vegas?
It was great. Very very tired now though.
Happy Birthday, Lee!
It's Vegas, baby! BOING!!!!
(sure, I said it in Bitches, but Lee is *here* now.)
I think that it was Elle in her house with the psycho
Yes! Thank you. I was planning to go and look and I got wicked distracted by something vaguely shiny and forgot to check.
Poor Elle, how will she ever survive????? I mean, apart from the bit where they don't have the bits to actually kill a main character unless the actress left them in a lurch. I am looking at you NCIS. Well, I was. Now I have a scheduling conflict.
I got Demoral and then the epidural once I hit 7 cm. I slept through active labor and transtion, woke up 100% effaced and fully dialated.
Personally, I loved the epidural. I would have them everyday if I could. Of course, since there is no vaginal birth ever in my future, I will have them whenever I have a baby from now on.