TAR: Okay, I have so many problems with this already. It seems stupid
to eliminate two teams in the first episode. And, for a show that has trouble recruiting women teams? Maybe something that relies so much on arm strength wasn't the best idea for the first episode.
This season looks to be continuing the long-standing trend of
everything being in the activities and not actually figuring how to, you know, race from place to place.
I was hoping that that would be one of the big changes. And enough with the
"fear factor" food challenges already.
As for teams:
Kimberly and Rob definitely already bug. I have a feeling that I will soon dislike the former addicts.
I don't really see anyone to root for yet. I like
the coalminer and his wife, mostly because I have the feeling that the production team was hoping for "ugly, confused Americans" when they have been anything but.
The class was quite made of awesome and I am much, much less stressed and nervous -- also, pretty committed to getting a shot of fentanyl rather than an epidural. The hospital we're delivering at does not do "light" epidurals, just the heavy-duty shit that numbs you out completely from chest to feet, and I already know from enduring various dental procedures with and without anesthetics that I can cope much better with some pain but full sensation and bodily control than total freedom from pain accompanied by the creepy feeling that part of my body has just been erased. Some pain, or even a lot of pain, is way, way preferable to "Hey, the lower half of my body has completely disappeared!"
Also, I can't believe Hec reported on the class without taking the opportunity to mock the fuck out of the two bonehead dads-to-be with the cracktastic questions. So, permit me to sneer at them.
Bonehead #1, during the discussion on the pros and cons of various pain relief methods during labor:
"So, if the pain is just part of a natural process and there are no long-term effects to experiencing the pain, why treat it at all?"
As Hec said later in the car on the way home, fine, fucko, we'll just nail your balls to the wall and leave you there for 12 hours. Since your balls probably won't suffer catastrophic permanent damage and you'll be more or less functional 48 hours after we take the nails out, you'll be fine without any meds, right? Right?
Bonehead #2, during the discussion of various reasons for C-sections:
"So, if the whole procedure takes only 15 minutes instead of maybe two days of labor, and it's completely painless, why doesn't everybody just have one?"
I just... major abdominal surgery... slicing through muscle walls and cutting a bodily organ open... fifteen painless minutes... buh... Fuck it. There are no words.
Recent studies have shown it doesn't really stall labor, according to my OB. Some docs don't make you wait to 4. But since it takes awhile for them to stick you, then for the meds to hit your system and start working, I could see where there would be a cut off point if delivery was imminent.
Recent studies, as I recall, have been mixed on the subject. But it's been months since I last read up on it.
We asked about a cut off point. The L&D nurse teaching the course was funny.
"Umm... crowning?"
(At which point, she hastened to add, they'd give you a block in that region.)
JZ should ask her OB about walking epidurals. Pain relief without the loopy or the numb! The other narcotics didn't do anything but let me rest between contractions, but it wasn't a restful rest, more a passing out rest.
The hospital we're delivering at does not do "light" epidurals, just the heavy-duty shit that numbs you out completely from chest to feet
Well, poopy!
(Okay, the truth is that I now need to change my tag to "Hail Eris!" May I, Strega?)
Heh, it's hardly original to me, but you have my blessings.
As was mentioned elsewhere recently, the WB didn't exactly cancel Buffy. If they'd outbid UPN for it, they'd have lost money that way. If the WB had been able to keep Buffy while actually making a few pennies... I think they'd still have gone under. Buffy wasn't exactly a ratings hit in its last two seasons, remember.
The WB lost a huge audience chunk with Buffy.
Is there any evidence for that?
"So, if the pain is just part of a natural process and there are no long-term effects to experiencing the pain, why treat it at all?"
The mind boggles. And,
Major abdominal surgery... slicing through muscle walls and cutting a bodily organ open... fifteen painless minutes... buh...
Having done this without the baby to take care of on the other end, I can't imagine actually choosing it.
mock the fuck out of the two bonehead dads-to-be with the cracktastic questions. So, permit me to sneer at them.
Sneer on, woman, sneer on...
I had narcotic shots with Owen during the 20 hours of labor which didn't work nearly as well as I would have liked them to.
I had two "full on" epidurals and really, I could feel plenty--it just wasn't painful. I think the procedure has gotten a lot better and the drugs they use less potent (or else they're better at dosing) because I could feel and control pushing. I don't think it's about the lower half of your body disappearing anymore. But again--this is definitely a discussion you should have with your OB.
mock the fuck out of the two bonehead dads-to-be with the cracktastic questions. So, permit me to sneer at them.
I would LOVE to have video during the delivery with these guys. I'll bet you'd be able to see the lightbulbs going on when they realize what the hell is happening.
"So, if the whole procedure takes only 15 minutes instead of maybe two days of labor, and it's completely painless, why doesn't everybody just have one?"
I hope this guy realized that "painless" was for the cutting/removing baby part and that the recovery from major abdominal surgery is a bitch.
Happy Phoenix Birthday, Everybody!
It's the second part of a two parter. I need to go find me some recaps because I can't recall where we left off.
I think that it was Elle in her house with the psycho
I hope this guy realized that "painless" was for the cutting/removing baby part and that the recovery from major abdominal surgery is a bitch.
This was explained, in words of as few syllables as possible, but I don't think it did any good.
Man, both those ignorami. Their poor wives.
Happy birthday, Lee! How's Vegas?