Trust me, I understand political expediency, but treating same-sex unions (whether they're marriages or not) as an afterthought while he vigorously defends Jane Doe and John Smith's right to essentially have the same rights as married couples just smacks of fence-straddling and avoiding the primary issue the amendment raises.
Do you thnk it's that, or is this just a way to try to highlight the harm the law would do while taking (for the moment) the issue of sexuality out of it? Though frankly, I'm guessing that the people who are all worked up about Teh Gays and Their Crusade Against Good Chiristian Folk don't really give a damn what happens to cohabitators either.
The opening was cool, but I wish we had gotten a better idea of who got what. Were some teams much more successful than others? I couldn't tell.
Oh, and losing the chickens?
Is there such a thing as a shoe kink which does not rise to the level of fetish?
I think most kinks don't rise to the level of fetish. The term fetish, I feel, is thrown around a lot. There may be some people who like sex better with spinach involved, but much fewer who need spinach to achieve orgasm.
Southern-style baked chicken ... spinach with a little ham hock, baked sweet potato fries, yummy cornbread, salad and fruit. And for dessert, we had red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting.
I thought the Big Dog wasn't supposed to be eathing that kind of stuff anymore--and I thought that before I read the confirmation of Bill.
God, I miss Bill. Nobody has a homespun, affectionate nickname for Dubya.
Hell, I miss Dubya's Dad, and that's a sad, sad thing.
Do you thnk it's that, or is this just a way to try to highlight the harm the law would do while taking (for the moment) the issue of sexuality out of it?
Kaine is personally opposed to gay marriage. Barring any evidence to the contrary, I have to let that inform my view of his motivation.
the people who are all worked up about Teh Gays and Their Crusade Against Good Chiristian Folk don't really give a damn what happens to cohabitators either.
Probably, but cohabitators aren't going to cause the end of the world. Gays are the new apocalypse.
As if the fact that the spinach I was planning on having for dinner might try to kill me gruesomely weren't enough , must it now have a nonswedish sex life? !
I think I may be ordering pizza.
Honestly, I won't be sorry to see
the Chicken Girl go, which I assume will happen pretty soon. Because a, stupid stupid stupid and b, she reminds me of someone annoying from last season.
Despite the way it split
down male/female lines, I did appreciate hearing the women on the black team discussing getting rid of the blowhard because they id'ed him as a factor in how they can't seem to work together, not just a numbers thing. I also think investing a lot of time in pegging your alliances at this point is probably a waste.
Or at least I hope so, because boring.
I thought the Big Dog wasn't supposed to be eathing that kind of stuff anymore--and I thought that before I read the confirmation of Bill.
Dunno, lot of baked stuff there, salad, fruit. That sounds like Good-for-you Southern to me.
Plus, I think he
alienated them when he grabbed other guy and made the decision to send whosits to Exile Island without asking the women.