Brendon went through a stage where he wasn't cuddly, then since he grew taller than me he always had to drape himself over me. Now at about 10" taller than me he is Mr. Huggy. Both of the boys will use me as a pillow when they watch tv. Not at the same time though! I may be pudgy, but not that much pillow to go around.
Wow, that kid's huge. And, from the one picture, born to a not-huge mom. I wonder how big the dad is? I have a friend who gave birth to an 11-lb. girl, but she herself is 5'10" and sturdily built and her husband is 6'6" and ditto; next to other babies, their baby looked like Gargantua, but next to her actual parents she looked properly wee and newborn.
Your life-jacket can be found under your seat, but please do not remove it now. In fact, do not bother to look for it at all. In the event of a landing on water, an unprecedented miracle will have occurred, because in the history of aviation the number of wide-bodied aircraft that have made successful landings on water is zero.
Well, there was a hijaked 767 that made a water landing. While the landing might not have been "successful," many passengers survived. In fact, many of those who didn't survive died because they failed to listen to instructions and inflated their life-jackets while still on the plane.
I also wonder about those semi-aquatic landings when planes slide off the end of runways into Jamaica Bay (or wherever)
Wikipedia on water landings: [link]
They give six examples, including one where people died because they didn't wait to leave the plane before they inflated their life vests.
Michel gave birth to a 14-pound, 13-ounce boy Tuesday at William W. Backus Hospital.
I wonder if that's ever-ever, or just ever at that hospital. It ought to be ever-ever, because man, that's the combined weight of two average, single-birth newborns. That poor mama. The baby looks about four months old in the photo. I wonder if she had gestational diabetes.
And I notice she gave birth to 8.5lb twins.
Oh my. My (teensy) cousin gave birth to twins that were 7lbs 9oz, and 6lbs, 11oz. They were huge for her (and big for twins), but 8.5 is big for a single birth.
I have a friend who gave birth to an 11-lb. girl, but she herself is 5'10" and sturdily built and her husband is 6'6" and ditto; next to other babies, their baby looked like Gargantua, but next to her actual parents she looked properly wee and newborn.
JZ, I wish you a baby in the 7 pound range.
11 pounds is big, even if the parents are big. Wow. Ben was 7lbs 5oz; Julia was 7lbs 13oz; and Chris was 8lbs even. I quit while ahead.
My best friend's last baby was 9lbs and 13oz. Her other two had been in the 5 something and 7 something, so it was a bit of a shocker. I spoke to her dad (who was very ill) the morning she was set to be induced, and when he told me the weight, I thought he was telling me the time the baby was born.
My friend is small and so is her husband, so it never dawned on me that he was talking weight until I was out buying outfits for the new baby, that night. I remember standing in the store, looking at newborn clothes, then wondering if he meant weight and deciding, "Nah! K's babies aren't big babies." I think the baby wore the newborn sized outfit I bought him, about twice.
Mom's best friend's 1st grandson was just born, he weighed 8 lbs 14 oz and is 23 inches long. His mother is a wee tiny woman (and his father is really tall -- 6'6") and she said during the last few weeks she didn't like going out because people would stare at her.
George Clooney may have been across the street from Trudy, but *I* was ten feet away from Pierce Brosnan and Liam Neeson!!
At once? Dude. My pants would have been SUPER porny...
I was 9lbs when I was born. My twin sister was 7lbs 6oz. I'm *pretty* sure Mom had GD, but they didn't test for it back then.
Too cute! Your room looks wonderful, too. The walls really pop.
Thanks. DH picked the color. I like warm yellows.
Ok, bad spinach = bad juju.
Is fresh spinach ok? I haven't read either way.
My best friend's twins were 6 weeks early and little -- 4lb 2 oz and 4 lbs 12 oz -- but they have grown ginormously in their first 6 months.
Boy is over 20 lbs now and
Girl is about 18 lbs. If I remember correctly, that's bigger then Plei's (OMGSOADORABLE) 17 month old.