::grin:: thanks cindy.
I am actually really excited about this. Part of it is just getting my life sorted again, after leaving everything at home--finding the new and different ways to bring the things I enjoyed when I was at home or at college here in Dublin is something of a challenge, and it requires me to figure things out that I haven't really had to think about for a long time. Back home? You could get a decent coffeepot at the Salvation Army for five bucks. Here, I don't even know where they would sell coffeepots like that, let alone filters and bags of good coffee. Hence my celebration when I finally remember that Starbucks probably carries all that stuff!
RIP Ann Richards. She was so kick-ass.
Figuring everything out has got to be really tiring, SA. Yay for coffee.
Figuring everything out has got to be really tiring, SA.
In some ways it really is. It's not that things are that different; they're just different enough that I have to ask or research how to do something or where to buy something, where I have that huge bank of cultural knowledge about the US pre-existing. Which is why I'm glad I took the week off from going out!
Xena has an official name.
LOS ANGELES (AP)—A distant, icy rock whose discovery shook up the solar system and led to Pluto's planetary demise has been given a name: Eris.
The christening of Eris, named after the Greek goddess of chaos and strife, was announced by the International Astronomical Union on Wednesday. Weeks earlier, the professional astronomers' group stripped Pluto of its planethood under new controversial guidelines.
They keep playing the silver foot quote on the radio. The odd thing is it enrages me every time. Why? Because she later used it to describe Clayton Williams after his vile comparison of rape and bad weather and it makes me hate the man all over again.
I also find it amusing that I recall Texas gubenatorial campaigns better than New Mexican ones.
Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!
Ha! Do any of *your* gods have a planetoid?
edit: Jupiter etc. doesn't count, unless you're a devotee of the old Roman gods.
They named Eris's moon too.
I still say we should have started an online campaign to name the moon 'ita.'
Eris' moon also received a formal name: Dysnomia, the daughter of Eris known as the spirit of lawlessness.
Dysnomia, the daughter of Eris known as the spirit of lawlessness.
If they find more moons, will they be named Dyslexia and Dyscalculia?