Last night's House was very interesting. Hubby is relating to Dr. House quite a bit, what with treatments that give great hope for few days then seem to start failing. Hubby was very quiet during the show.
"I'm not pregnant!" was a nice way to bring that story arc back in without working it to death.
Green and Black's are really good. I just found out that they were bought out by Cadbury's
I thought it was really, really stupid that they showed House
performing open brain surgery
. It completely took me out of the show.
I had a dream last night that I took a job in Thailand. It seemed the easiest way to get to see Fay and it.
Tom, ITA
there's no way that House would have performed that surgery.
I thought it was really, really stupid that they showed House ...
Yeah, what was up with that? He's a diagnostician, not a surgeon. I didn't get that at all. I hate the way the "team" is an expert in everything -- maybe when it comes to diagnostics, but surely other specialists should be treating some of these patients? Of course, then there would be no show.
I had a dream last night that I took a job in Thailand. It seemed the easiest way to get to see Fay and it.
Heh. It's just possible there *could* be easier ways, you know...
I really liked the concept of that episode of House, even though everything they had to do to make it fit made the medicine pretty unbelievable.
20 years ago was my freshman year in high school, I had just turned 14, and was mid-growth spurt. I know when I was 13 I bought a wonderful pair of Esprit corduroys. They were size 3 and soon became seriously cropped and then became unwearable. I was my basic adult size by mid-15 or so but 14 was a weird year.
Of course, when I first started wearing Levi's 501 I used to fold them just so at the ankles, so they looked pegged.
mr. flea is currently talking to a colleague in France, wirelessly using VOIP. From our living room. Somehow this is MUCH COOLER than just calling France on our wireless phone.