20 years ago was my freshman year in high school, I had just turned 14, and was mid-growth spurt. I know when I was 13 I bought a wonderful pair of Esprit corduroys. They were size 3 and soon became seriously cropped and then became unwearable. I was my basic adult size by mid-15 or so but 14 was a weird year.
Of course, when I first started wearing Levi's 501 I used to fold them just so at the ankles, so they looked pegged.
mr. flea is currently talking to a colleague in France, wirelessly using VOIP. From our living room. Somehow this is MUCH COOLER than just calling France on our wireless phone.
Cute Leif story from yesterday. He was reading a Scooby-Doo book and on his own, he wrote a letter to the author saying 'Thank You for Scooby-Doo Love Leif.' He even wrote her name on the envelope.
I don't know, hasn't the
internal twin
thing cropped up in a bunch of shows recently? Though they did choose
an interesting manifestation.
I haven't seen
on other mystery shows but surely many people saw
I Am My Own Twin
on Discovery Health. I thought it might be a solution from the ads, so I was surprised when it actually turned out to be the ultimate diagnosis.
ETA: I guess it was on CSI recently. (xpost with msbelle)
CSI, I think
And the Venture Brothers! Sort of.
Also on Grey's Anatomy, IIRC.