Having that place, and each other, and watching the list of which Gotham and Mayberry Bronzers had checked in grow was really something else. I was amazed none of us were lost. You lost co-workers, didn't you?
My company did, but I didn’t know them personally.
After I got home from taking the children to school yesterday, I put the TV on. For about a minute. Then I shut it off, and reviewed the old board, instead. You're right, it was really strange to reaccess the memories. It also reminded me of the day, itself. I didn't have the TV on, because I didn't want the kids seeing it, so I got a lot of my news from Bronzers.
I’m glad you kept so much if it from your kids. Apparently young kids in particular thought that each replay of the planes hitting the buildings, the towers falling, etc. was a brand new attack. Very upsetting for them.
It was odd when people starting talking about it here, yesterday. I've read those WXing Buffista posts, and probably started lurking around then, but my online memories of the day are all Bronzer-related, and...I don't know, it was almost like seeing someone else's family talk about something that happened in my family.
Me too. Yesterday I really missed the old Bronze – it may have been the BronzeBeta then – and the other ex-pat boards I used to post at. I like Buffistas but I wasn’t here on 9-11-01 so I can’t access the collective "emotional memory" of this board. It's a strange sensation.
Here's a video- haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but from the title it sounds awesome:
This monkey has a pet cat, and protects it from a chicken
Me too. Yesterday I really missed the old Bronze – it may have been the BronzeBeta then – and the other ex-pat boards I used to post at. I like Buffistas but I wasn’t here on 9-11-01 so I can’t access the collective "emotional memory" of this board. It's a strange sensation.
The Apollo Bronze went away in July, 2001. Kristen had taken down jw.net (or at least the boards we were using) and we had been in Vanessa's place for a month or so by 9/11. I think the UPN "Bronze" opened on October 1.
Apparently young kids in particular thought that each replay of the planes hitting the buildings, the towers falling, etc. was a brand new attack. Very upsetting for them.
Oh my word. That's terrible. I never even thought that far ahead. I was upset they even caught a moment of it on the little TV. I remember being surprised Julia couldn't separate the TV from the house to the extent that when she saw fire on TV, since TV was in the house, she thought we should evacuate.
Okay, see, please review the document all at once, instead of sending me new corrections on old text in the same document you've had in your hands for weeks. Because now I have to yank it again and resend it to upper management AGAIN. And I'm the only one who's going to look stupid.
OMG, tommy. And the music!
Gawd, people, I cannot seem to start working today. It's noon-thirty and I haven't done a goddamn thing!
Want to move commas around in my document? Or defend noun-verb agreement?
That would be awesome. Want to figure out Ohio's former employer liability for intentional torts scheme?
torts? That might pose a problem.
I can't do shit, either. I am in my most un-favorite position of having to figure out what to do next. How's nothing? That work?