Instead, I look at him and think "You look like a monkey on my tv, and I feel like an actual monkey is insulted by comparison. I think you are a liar and completely selfish, and I think you make decisions based on what will work for you, and not for our country. And I think you invoke religions, and "family" feelings in such a transperantly fake way that I can't understand how you fool anyone into thinking that you have the best interests of our country at heart."
I love you, Sophia. You have summed up why I cannot watch him on tv or listen to his voice. It gives me physical pain.
Oh, this could get ugly.
ugh! Why does it have to be so hard?
I didn't have to wait at all at my polling place & I got there right about 8. And there was a very cute young cop sitting with the poll workers. That was nice.
No voting here today. Just received the LLBean Christmas catalog in the mail - it's Sept. 12!!!
If you are thinking about voting for Giuliani for President, please remember: The very last thing you want to do is to give this person more power. Seriously. Trust us on this one.
Yeah, all the dislike for the first few amendments, disregard for seperation of powers, and megalomania of the current guy but VERY VERY
Just don't to it, America.
And, using Audrey Hepburn as your model for skinny pants is not a good idea. For one thing, she was legendarily skinny. If you do not look like Audrey Hepburn (and really, who does?), you will not look like that in skinny pants. It would be like having Barbra Streisand hawking voice lessons. You have to realize that freak-o-nature ingredients, in addition to the liberal application of money, went into that particular success.
And malnourished for a good chunk of her childhood! Not to take a single thing away from her elegance or her grace, but this is not a body you actually want to HAVE, the woman was sickly for years having been half-starved during the war.
I really don't know why everyone doesn't vote the way they do it in Somerville -- paper Scantron ballot. It's counted by a machine, but there's a paper backup that you've written yourself.
Someone has to keep Diebold in business!
You have to realize that freak-o-nature ingredients, in addition to the liberal application of money, went into that particular success.
You might want to give Nike a yell, and every other ad that does or does not mention "these results not typical." It's almost the point of advertising.
It's almost the point of advertising.
My (super hot) new boots have heels that are too high. Otherwise, they're perfectly comfortable. You think I'll just get used to them?
Having that place, and each other, and watching the list of which Gotham and Mayberry Bronzers had checked in grow was really something else. I was amazed none of us were lost. You lost co-workers, didn't you?
My company did, but I didn’t know them personally.
After I got home from taking the children to school yesterday, I put the TV on. For about a minute. Then I shut it off, and reviewed the old board, instead. You're right, it was really strange to reaccess the memories. It also reminded me of the day, itself. I didn't have the TV on, because I didn't want the kids seeing it, so I got a lot of my news from Bronzers.
I’m glad you kept so much if it from your kids. Apparently young kids in particular thought that each replay of the planes hitting the buildings, the towers falling, etc. was a brand new attack. Very upsetting for them.
It was odd when people starting talking about it here, yesterday. I've read those WXing Buffista posts, and probably started lurking around then, but my online memories of the day are all Bronzer-related, and...I don't know, it was almost like seeing someone else's family talk about something that happened in my family.
Me too. Yesterday I really missed the old Bronze – it may have been the BronzeBeta then – and the other ex-pat boards I used to post at. I like Buffistas but I wasn’t here on 9-11-01 so I can’t access the collective "emotional memory" of this board. It's a strange sensation.