For the bulgogi (since you asked), I bought $50 worth of flank steak (err, maybe 6 lbs?). Then I crushed 2 heads of garlic (about 20 cloves) and mixed them with 20 slices of fresh ginger, 12 oz of soy sauce, 4 oz of vegetable oil, and a mess of green onions. And then I let the flank steak soak in it for about 20 hours.
Possibly there was a bit too much soy sauce in it -- it was a tad salty. But really, very yum.
Hey consuela! guess who is in my living room. T came down to work on his Uke - i made them come into eat about about 8 - and there has been music talk ever since. with brief forays into 260 tons of grapes.
Tons and tons of grapes! Tell him I say Hi!
He just left - and I like him a lot - but anyone that brings wine everytime he comes by - gets a bonus point ( or 73 ) in my book.
Yeah, he's apparently bringing lots of wine home these days. I told him he knew where I live if he needs a home for any of the spares.
Skipping lots to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Trudy Booth's birthday. I hope that despite the difficult date, it will still be a good day for you, Trudy, and a great year to come.
Happy birthdayTrudy.
And hi Nilly! Miss seeing you around.
Yeah! Trudy! Happy Birthday
SA! You're in Ireland already, right? I'm so out of the loop - how is everything going?
StolenCubicle, I've never posted with you before (which may be all because of my skipping tendencies), so welcome aboard.
Woah! A Nilly sighting. Best thing that's happened today so far. Of course, mind you, the other events today have been banging my head against the shower wall, and finding out my childhood pet died so...Not much competition.