For those of you playing along at home, here's Polgara's take on it.
Ok, so, we're sitting there at a table by the fire. After walking in and seeing them cutting a fish at the bar while it was still flopping, I made sure to pick a seat that faced the wall. Dinner was marvelously yummy, including the flourless chocolate cake, and we're sitting there chatting, when I notice serenada is staring at the table behind me.
You'd think I'd have learned not to click on her links, but no, I go ahead and turn, and sure enough, there's an enormous FISH HEAD on a plate staring at the ceiling. The woman at the table is obviously not thrilled, while the two men are amused. I turn back to the table with an "ew!"
Thirty seconds later, there are gasps behind me, and serenada kinda double takes. I look behind me, against my better judgment, and the woman has moved her chair back about a foot.
"It moved, didn't it?"
"Oh yeah. It slid right towards her."
But it didn't stop there. In the next five minutes, it widened its eyes, it waved its fins, and it opened its mouth three times wider than it was when it arrived at the table. It's bottom-half's innards were splayed out next to it in neat fillets while the top half was forced to watch.
And I laughed. I'm so ashamed. *sigh* Mostly, though, I'm just thankful it wasn't on *our* table.