Heh. Personally, I like getting on a plane, or for that matter, spilling my bag in a public area, when I'm in possession of needles. Always gets a look.
Sometimes when I'm feeling particularly evil, I even wonder if I should go to one of the free needle exchange places. Except, you know, I've got a concience. I can pay for my own needles. But the thought amuses me.
I haven't had to carry yet, though I have had interesting conversations with the pharmacy people about needles.
I often get the "do you have an insurance card?" which leads to saying it is for my cat. The safeway and target pharmacists know me now, though. Whether they believe me is another thing.
One of the Walgreen's people knows me by now, but she likes to watch the others go through the whole ID/Prescription questioning with me before she tells them it's for my cat.
Who am I to deny her her fun?
Speaking of fun, Lee, just got back from The Hump.
I think what we saw there might have topped that lobster thing you and I witnessed, but perhaps I should let Polgara tell it you.
There was screaming. And we weren't even sitting at the bar.
Okay, I really need to make it back down to LA soon.
So, remember earlier we were talking about Lonelygirl15 being like The Footage? Look who had the same thought.
for anyone who has canker sore, I highly recommend "Oral-B Amosan" Oral Wound Cleanser. It stings like hell, but my mouth looks about 10x better than it did on Fri. and I have only used it twice.
It seems using things that are topical meds not only aggrevated my mouth, but also spread the sores.
oh, good morning. am working from home. hopefully not much longer.
I am cancelling my afternoon plans. I really do want to see the friends I had plans with (haven't seen them in 3-4 years), but I am wiped out and my body is screaming for rest.