Until I scrolled the rest of the way, I was going to ask if you let the dog clean up the mess....
My parents used to refer to their late dogs as the pre-washers. In the age of dishwashers, made sense though before we had one, I hated it because of the slime. There's no excuse for slime.
Lee, you must get the terminology correct, as to horrify and disturb the unsuspecting. It's "I've got to go shoot the cat."
I think my building's handyman is literally trying to gaslight me. The bulb for the overhead light on my floor's back staircase landing has apparently been replaced with a 25 watter, in contrast to the 100 watts or so of the two lower floors. When I turned at the landing it was like walking into the movie Se7en.
My only comfort is that if Kevin Spacey's serial killer does pop up, I'll be too busy laughing at him for getting his cell phone swiped while "walking his dog" in a park at 2am to be frightened...
Lee, you must get the terminology correct, as to horrify and disturb the unsuspecting. It's "I've got to go shoot the cat."
I use this sometimes too, but I like to keep people asking as to if I am killing the cat, or getting it strung out.
Heh. Personally, I like getting on a plane, or for that matter, spilling my bag in a public area, when I'm in possession of needles. Always gets a look.
Sometimes when I'm feeling particularly evil, I even wonder if I should go to one of the free needle exchange places. Except, you know, I've got a concience. I can pay for my own needles. But the thought amuses me.
I haven't had to carry yet, though I have had interesting conversations with the pharmacy people about needles.
I often get the "do you have an insurance card?" which leads to saying it is for my cat. The safeway and target pharmacists know me now, though. Whether they believe me is another thing.
One of the Walgreen's people knows me by now, but she likes to watch the others go through the whole ID/Prescription questioning with me before she tells them it's for my cat.
Who am I to deny her her fun?
Speaking of fun, Lee, just got back from The Hump.
I think what we saw there might have topped that lobster thing you and I witnessed, but perhaps I should let Polgara tell it you.