It reminds me of the plot of a book I read in April, where these random film clips were being leaked anonymously onto the internet, and an entire messageboard subculture arose to discuss the clips and in what order they were and who made them...
Pattern Recognition? Bless Gibson - he got it right. IMNSHO.
It reminds me of the plot of a book I read in April, where these random film clips were being leaked anonymously onto the internet,
William Gibson's
Pattern Recognition
Yeah, that was one of the better depictions of online society I've come across. No real surprise, I guess.
Yeah, that was one of the better depictions of online society I've come across. No real surprise, I guess.
Yes! Loved that book. For that as well as the description of Camden Market, which was right on the money as well.
Yes! Loved that book. For that as well as the description of Camden Market, which was right on the money as well.
Also his description of jetlag, which is exactly what I thought about it before I even knew I thought that about it.
I believe I'm becoming over-invested in my computer gear. I just realized I didn't know where my flash drive was, panicked, jumped for my purse, discovered it in the depths of the purse . . . and I kissed it when I found it, with a muttered, "There you are."
Fortunately, I did not stroke it lovingly and whisper "My precious." But it was a near thing.
For Venture Bros. fans:
Hee. Also, didja see Jackson Publik's lj? Ben Edlund's episode is coming along... I think it's scheduled for October. Yay!
Pattern Recognition? Bless Gibson - he got it right. IMNSHO.
That's it! Huh. I guess I didn't expect anyone to know it--it was one of the random ones I picked up in a used bookstore, and I loved it.