Your assertion that I've changed my point is a straw man. Let me try a simpler analogy. I support the legality of gay sex. This does not mean I support *every* instance of gay sex. Do you? Does it weaken my initial point to not support same-sex rape?
Cindy, I'm leery of legislating to keep people's spirits up. There are plenty of legal ways to desecrate my mother's memory, hurt me deeply, and disgust me to the core. Where should the lawmakers start?
Wonderland bread?
Pfft whatever. My Steve Earle, Townes van Zandt, Dylan and Regina Spektor show I rock with the big guns.
Tom, I saw that this morning; I don't know that it's conclusive, but it is pretty interesting, especially seeing as I didn't know about it until I saw the link on MeFi. Either way, it's a clever string of marketing. It reminds me of the plot of a book I read in April, where these random film clips were being leaked anonymously onto the internet, and an entire messageboard subculture arose to discuss the clips and in what order they were and who made them...I almost think the focus on the community that is created around this media, or these various types of media, is more interesting than the media itself.
It reminds me of the plot of a book I read in April, where these random film clips were being leaked anonymously onto the internet, and an entire messageboard subculture arose to discuss the clips and in what order they were and who made them...
Pattern Recognition? Bless Gibson - he got it right. IMNSHO.
It reminds me of the plot of a book I read in April, where these random film clips were being leaked anonymously onto the internet,
William Gibson's
Pattern Recognition
Yeah, that was one of the better depictions of online society I've come across. No real surprise, I guess.
Yeah, that was one of the better depictions of online society I've come across. No real surprise, I guess.
Yes! Loved that book. For that as well as the description of Camden Market, which was right on the money as well.
Yes! Loved that book. For that as well as the description of Camden Market, which was right on the money as well.
Also his description of jetlag, which is exactly what I thought about it before I even knew I thought that about it.