I second that, Frank.
The tolls on I-95 cheese me off. I'm in the stupid state for what, about 10 or 15 miles between MA and ME?
I don't want their stinking EZ-Pass, either. I don't make enough trips to make it worth my effort. We used to buy the tokens, which you got for 50 cents on the dollar. That is, a five dollar roll of tokens paid ten (U.S. cash) dollars worth of tolls. They phased them out when they adopted EZ-Pass (which I think only gives you a 25 cent break, overall, and you might have to purchase the thingie, first). I think I still have some tokens.
I don't want their stinking EZ-Pass, either.
I broke down and got one (when I had a car - I will reactivate when I have my new one) because it now works for the tolls in Maine as well (and I do make the occasional foray down 90, and will do a lot more so when I'm with wheels again).
Oh, and don't get me started on the Presidential primary hoopla. Ugh. Must get offline. I'm contemptuous over imaginary lines dividing land.
I broke down and got one (when I had a car - I will reactivate when I have my new one) because it now works for the tolls in Maine as well (and I do make the occasional foray down 90, and will do a lot more so when I'm with wheels again).
I can see that. We almost always get off I-95 at the last exit before the tolls in Maine, so it's only the Hampton tolls that are an issue for us. Two bucks for a round trip over a strip of road that always has traffic issues, because of the damned tolls.
Maine used to be a part of Massachusetts. Were those New Hampshire towns between Mass. and Maine always New Hampshire's?
I just heard about the ABC miniseries 'Path to 9/11'.
The liberal media strikes again.
Liquor laws are stupid! I boggled when I moved to Massachusetts and couldn't buy beer when I wanted to. In Florida you could go to a 24 hr 7-11 and get whatever you wanted. And the drinking age was 18 when I was in high school which meant you could usually get stuff uncarded when you were sixteen.
Of course, without blue laws we wouldn't have Sundaes.
Belated birthday wishes to flea!
And happy birthday to Lyra Jane too.
I just heard about the ABC miniseries 'Path to 9/11'.
Yeah, they're just making up lies about the Clinton administration....
It does, but you can only buy one at a time. None of this polygabeer.
Ladies and gentlemen, Polygamy Porter, from Wasatch Brew Pub in Salt Lake City.
Do you have fun reminding them that Bush's nationwide approval rating is only 36%, not 50?
It's the work of atheistic, America-hating liberals. Only in Utah is the true worth of our divinely guided government recognized.
Only in Utah is the true worth of our divinely guided government recognized.
And even there Bush is only bringing in 50%.....
And even there Bush is only bringing in 50%.....
It leads to tension between the believers and the fallen.